Elastolin was unquestionably the largest toy line that O & M Hausser from Germany ever created. When the company was formed in 1904, it concentrated on creating toy soldiers and other figures. One of these toy lines was the Elastolin figurines, which the company created around 1912. There were a few different scales for these toy soldiers. Elastolin toys could be found at a 4 cm, 6.5 cm, 7 cm, and 10.5 cm scale. However, the most common, normal size for these figures was the 7 cm, or 1/24th scale, size.
Identify Elastolin action figures with our toy line identification tool
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How to use the Identification Tool to find your action figures and toylines
Do you have any vintage toys you are trying to identify? Don’t know the name? No problem! We can help you out with this useful identification tool.
Using our Identification Tool is simple; you can easily search for any toy in your collection. For example, type “jet” into the figure name field and hit search. You’ll see all the toys that are jets. Otherwise, you can try “car” and select the color “blue” and a list of action figures with matching results.
Even if you know the name of your toy but do not know its proper spelling, our tool will help you. For instance, you can type “Wheljck” and still find the results for various Wheeljack action figures.
Our database has an extensive list of toy lines from the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s. So, you can seek out information about your favorite toy lines and even sublines like Droids or Ewoks. Some of our other prominent lines include, but are not limited to:
Our Identification Tool will help you locate the basic information for each action figure and much more. For instance, you may discover whether or not your action figure came with a sticker sheet or instructions. Our identification tool includes detailed information on which accessories and weapons were included with the toys. We will even help you determine the release date of your toys.
If you need additional help, please do not hesitate to contact us. We also buy and sell toys through our toy shop. Thank you for stopping by.