Throughout the 70s and early 80s, American and Japanese toy companies pushed forward universes filled with robots. While most robots were vehicles for humans to ride in during this era, some were presented as sentient beings. However, a world of form-changing robots that both functioned as vehicles and battle machines was on the horizon. The […]
Wheeljack’s Lab – Vintage Toy Blog
Follow this blog for the new, the unusual, the rare and cool Generation 1 G1 Transformers toys. Reviews, news, toy resources, galleries, unboxing, opinions and personal reflections on vintage toys.
When Were the Original Stretch Armstrong Action Figures Made?
If you are a vintage toy enthusiast, you have undoubtedly encountered the legendary Stretch Armstrong action figure. Released in 1976 by the renowned toy manufacturer Kenner, this iconic toy has captured the hearts of collectors and children alike for decades. The original Stretch Armstrong action figures have an exciting and detailed history. The Original Stretch […]
When Were the Original Stompers Model Cars Made?
In vintage toy history, few lines encapsulate the thrill of off-road adventure like Stompers. These action figures were mini engineering marvels. Manufactured by Schaper Toys, the original Stompers model cars were the first genuinely 4-wheel drive, battery-powered, electric toys. The Original Stompers Model Cars Stompers were battery-powered toy cars that ran on a single AA […]
When Were the Original Steel Monsters Action Figures Made?
Amid the vast space of vintage toy collectibles, the original Steel Monsters action figures stand apart as timeless classics. Their birth in the mid-1980s saw the launch of a unique, Mad Max-inspired line of toys that captured the imagination of children and collectors alike. The Original Steel Monsters Action Figures Manufactured by Tonka, the original […]
The Ten Most Expensive Robocop Collectibles
Introduced in 1987, Robocop took on crime in a dystopian look at the future. Through a blend of satire and science-fiction, the movie highlighted various sources of corruption and crime. This unique blend made the movie a hit, leading to television series, toys, and other merchandise. While the franchise has slowed down over the decades, […]
When Were the Original Speclatron Action Figures Made?
The world of vintage action figures is a treasure trove of hidden gems, each with its own unique history and appeal. Today, we delve into the nostalgic universe of one such gem: the original Speclatron action figures. Born in the exciting, colorful era of the 1980s, Speclatron offered children a world of adventure and fantasy […]
The Ten Most Expensive Spider-Man Collectibles
Spider-Man swung into the scene in 1962, proudly appearing on the cover of Marvel’s Amazing Fantasy #15. Since his first appearance, Spider-Man has become one of the most popular comic book characters of all time. Beyond his decades-long comics career, spanning dozens of series and hundreds of issues, the character has also starred in cartoons, […]
When Were the Original Space: 1999 Action Figures Made?
In the realm of vintage toys, few collections capture the nostalgia of the mid-1970s quite like Mattel’s original Space: 1999 action figures. In 1976, one year after the launch of the television series, these figures were brought to life, offering fans a tangible connection to the gripping story set on MoonBase Alpha. Space: 1999 Television […]
When Were the Original Sky Commanders Action Figures Made?
In the world of vintage toys, there are few names as respected as Kenner. Throughout its history, Kenner has introduced countless action figures and playsets that have captured the imaginations of millions. One of these iconic toy lines, often underappreciated yet immensely impactful, is the Sky Commanders. When did the original Sky Commanders action figures […]
When Were Original Six Million Dollar Man Action Figures Made?
One of the most well-received television series of the 1970s was The Six Million Dollar Man. The show, featuring the bionic government agent, Steve Austin, was extremely popular amongst children as well as adults. The show’s reception inspired the toy industry’s first successful television-inspired toy line. When were the original Six Million Dollar Man action […]