Wheeljack’s Lab – Vintage Toy Blog

Follow this blog for the new, the unusual, the rare and cool Generation 1 G1 Transformers toys. Reviews, news, toy resources, galleries, unboxing, opinions and personal reflections on vintage toys.

The Ten Most Expensive Star Wars Toys

The world changed in 1977 when Star Wars became a cultural phenomenon that broke records and remolded multiple industries. While the entertainment industry would spend years chasing after the success of George Lucas’s space epic, the foundations of the toy industry were uprooted by Kenner’s success. Few movies had become commercially viable for merchandise, especially […]

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Improving the Value of Your Collectibles: Grading and Authenticating Services

For as long as human civilization has existed, there have been those that love to gather collections. The contents of these collections have ranged from valuable trinkets to sentimental belongings. As the years progressed, the nature of collecting changed with the rise of new hobbies and obsessions. As pop culture became a driving force, new […]

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