In June 1997, the popular Digimon franchise began. Digimon (short for Digital Monster) first released as a series of virtual pets created by Bandai and WiZ. Originally, these devices had the purpose to be a masculine alternative to the Tamagotchi pets that were created the year prior. Since 1997, multiple animated series, manga, video games, […]
Wheeljack’s Lab – Vintage Toy Blog
Follow this blog for the new, the unusual, the rare and cool Generation 1 G1 Transformers toys. Reviews, news, toy resources, galleries, unboxing, opinions and personal reflections on vintage toys.
Biker Mice from Mars Retrospective
Throttle, Vinnie, and Modo are the stars from this superhero story of three motorcycle riding mice from Mars. This action-packed animated series, Biker Mice from Mars, first premiered in September 1993. The series showcases these mice as they tackle many endeavors from Mars to Earth and back to Mars. Although this first series only aired […]
The Top 10 1970s to 1990s Horror Movies
You probably already know that the three decades under consideration here were phenomenal. Let’s start with the ’70s, which bore some rarity for horror movies. The decade brought about the industry’s rebirth. It was marked with mixed creativity and emotional sensitivity. All this helped to produce vividly descriptive and excruciating horror that mirrored what the […]
The Greatest 1990s Horror Movies
Horror movies of the ’90s entered a new form of a renaissance. This reawakening ushered in a wave of horror that was stern on realism, coupled with self-parody as well as ironic humor. It also ushered new waves of Asian horror and found footage. As it stands, cinephiles note the decade as the transitional period […]
The Greatest 1990s Sci-Fi Movies
Science-fiction from the 1990s was quite a brilliant, eclectic mix of high-concept actions, classic horror, dystopian-made societies, self-reflexive parodies, and a couple of sequels. It was indeed an impressive decade for sci-fi movies and, of course, a worthy rival of the ’80s. It’s for these reasons that we have made this list of the greatest […]
The Greatest 1990s Video Games
The 1990s is the third decade that marked the video game industry’s history. The innovation that made its way into the video gaming world defined this decade. The ’90s ushered in a transition from sprite-based graphics to create 3D graphics, which spurred other video games. During this decade, handheld gaming started gaining prominence and popularity. […]
The Greatest 1990s Movies
The 1990s were a unique time for movies. Having come out of the wild time of the 1980s, with all its doomsday satire and video nasties, the cultural landscape was ready to handle blockbusters of a different variety. New filmmakers brought fresh ideas to the table. Then, there were familiar directors of the previous decade […]
The Greatest Wrestling Moments
There was so much entertainment about wrestling in the 1980s and 1990s, and those decades spawned the greatest wrestling moments in modern history. The wrestlers had their personified songs, celebrations, chants, and smacks. There were scenes too beautiful to be unnoticed. To those who had reservations about it being a pre-acted sport, there were thousands […]
The Top Ten Most Expensive Star Wars Collectibles.
In the vast galaxy of cinematic history, the Star Wars Movie Series stands as an iconic testament to the boundless imagination of George Lucas. Launched in 1977 with “Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope,” the saga swiftly catapulted audiences into a realm of interstellar battles, mystical forces, and unforgettable characters. With groundbreaking special […]
The Ten Most Expensive WWF Toys
Wrestling is one of the oldest sports, where contestants prove their might by pinning down their opponents. However, the sport soared to new heights of popularity in the 1980s, as the WWF set a new standard for ring matches. The WWF originated in 1953 as Capitol Wrestling Corporation and later took on the name World […]