Throttle, Vinnie, and Modo are the stars from this superhero story of three motorcycle riding mice from Mars. This action-packed animated series, Biker Mice from Mars, first premiered in September 1993. The series showcases these mice as they tackle many endeavors from Mars to Earth and back to Mars. Although this first series only aired […]
Wheeljack’s Lab – Vintage Toy Blog
Follow this blog for the new, the unusual, the rare and cool Generation 1 G1 Transformers toys. Reviews, news, toy resources, galleries, unboxing, opinions and personal reflections on vintage toys.
The Greatest 1990s Video Games
The 1990s is the third decade that marked the video game industry’s history. The innovation that made its way into the video gaming world defined this decade. The ’90s ushered in a transition from sprite-based graphics to create 3D graphics, which spurred other video games. During this decade, handheld gaming started gaining prominence and popularity. […]
The Best 1980s Video Games
The 80s were an interesting time for the video game industry. It was only the second decade of existence and experienced both highs and lows. A golden age of arcade games and a video game crash in 1983 made it look like this burgeoning industry might not make it to the newest century. Despite it […]
The Top 10 1970s Video Games
The 1970s undoubtedly marked the first prominent decade of the video game industry’s history. This decade practically saw the development of most of the earliest video games, mostly in arcade versions. As far as video games were concerned in the early ‘70s, you would have to go to the arcade for the good old games. […]
The Top Ten Enemies from the Metroid Series
In celebration of the launch of Metroid’s newest game, Metroid: Dread, it is an exciting time to look back at the greatest enemies that have challenged players. Ever since the original game on the Nintendo Entertainment System, the sprawling worlds of the Metroid universe have fascinated the minds. As soon as players encountered their first […]
The Top Ten Toys Featuring Nintendo and their Greatest Characters
Nintendo has come a long way since Fusajiro Yamauchi founded the company in 1889 to produce hanafuda (“flower cards”). Now, both gamers and general audiences know the name for their video game empire. For some time, Nintendo became the ubiquitous word to describe all video games amongst the general public, like parents in the 1980s. […]
The Top 10 Retro Video Games from the 1970s to the 1990s
Video games have become an integral part of our culture, regardless of if you play them or not. For many, it’s herculean to imagine a world without video games. They’ve no doubt come to stay. Here, we will look into the ‘70s down to the ‘90s, the three powerful decades that left their marks in […]