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Wheeljack’s Lab – Vintage Toy Blog
Follow this blog for the new, the unusual, the rare and cool Generation 1 G1 Transformers toys. Reviews, news, toy resources, galleries, unboxing, opinions and personal reflections on vintage toys.
Top 10 Rarest Vintage G1 Transformers Toys
Join us as we explore the ten rarest and most valuable Transformers action figures, toys, and other collectibles.
Top 10 G1 Transformers Toys Must-Haves
Join us as we explore our top ten picks of the must-have Transformers toys from the Generation 1 era of the 1980s.
Megatron G1 Transformers Custom Display Stand
This custom G1 Megatron display stand is only $15 shipped within the US, and it makes Megatron look great while being very stable.
Top 10 Worst G1 Transformers Toys
What are the worst possible action figures and other toys from the Generation 1 era of the Transformers toy line?
Got Any Empty Transformers Shipping Boxes or Cases?
If you have any empty shipping boxes or cases, contact Wheeljack’s Lab today. We will buy your empty cardboard boxes and more.
What Happened To Wheelie? Shipping gone bad – Here’s how you can avoid it!
What happened to this poor MOSC Wheelie figure? Learn what happens when shipping goes bad with the worst mishaps around.
Top 10 Breakable G1 Transformers
What are the ten most breakable G1 Transformers toys from the 80s? Discover the worst offenders and how to repair the damage.
Why Don’t My G1 Transformers Missile Launchers Fire?
Robert Jeffrey Warren died after accidentally ingesting a plastic toy missile from a Battlestar Galactica Colonial Viper spaceship.
Does Your Insurance Policy Cover Your Toy Collection?
Do you know whether or not your insurance policy covers your toy collection? Most likely, it barely covers anything if at all!