Whether you came home with a brand-new toy from the store or recently bought a mint-in-box vintage toy from overseas, it is important to understand how to save your toys for the future. Proper storage and maintenance will keep your action figures protected from failures, damage, and the ravages of time. You may even save […]
Wheeljack’s Lab – Vintage Toy Blog
Follow this blog for the new, the unusual, the rare and cool Generation 1 G1 Transformers toys. Reviews, news, toy resources, galleries, unboxing, opinions and personal reflections on vintage toys.
What toys should not get graded by the AFA/CGA, CAS, etc?
For decades, services like the AFA (Action Figure Authority), which is a part of the CGA (Collectible Grading Authority), and the CAS (Collector’s Archives Services) have helped to preserve toys from the past. These services have set a standard metric that measures the mint state of toys and other collectibles. So, collectors no longer rely […]
Guide to Grading Toys in 2023
Have you been considering grading your toys in 2023? For many collectors, services like the CGA (Collectible Grading Authority), the parent company of the AFA (Action Figure Authority), and the CAS (Collector’s Archive Services) have provided an essential service. Beyond helping to preserve the conditions of vintage toys, these companies have standardized the metrics for […]
How to Deal with the Supply Chain Chaos in 2021? Buy Used Toys
All over the world, retailers are seeing signs that indicate that the supply chain is in chaos. Many companies expect to not be able to handle demand during 2021’s holiday season. Meanwhile, some areas of the market have not been able to meet demand even before the holiday rush. However, that does not mean that […]
Grading Toys with the AFA: Worth It in 2021?
Have you been considering sending in your old and vintage toys for grading with the AFA in 2021? We here at Wheeljack’s Lab aim to honestly guide our customers. We understand that many are curious about the Action Figure Authority and the services they offer. For instance, many want to protect and ensure the price […]
Where To Sell Transformers Toys and Get the Best Price for My Collection
There comes a time where toy owners set out to find where to sell their Transformers toys for the best available value. However, finding that best value takes time along with many tests. Without guidance through the minefield of options to sell your toys to, you are likely to lose out as a first-time toy […]
Stores that Buy GI Joe Toys: Guide to Finding the Best Price
Finding the best stores that buy GI Joe toys is not as simple as it once was. Now that the internet has become a mainstay for selling and buying toys, your choices have expanded. Not only can you go to your local pawn shop, but you may also post about the GI Joe toys that […]
Where are the Best Places to Sell ThunderCats Toys for Cash?
If you are looking to get the most from the sale of your ThunderCats toys, you want to find the best places to sell them. While you may be lucky enough to stumble across the best place on your first attempt, usually it takes a lot of trial and error to get the best value […]
Who Buys Godaikin Toys and Where Should You Start Your Search?
When you are seeking out who buys Godaikin toys, you do not want just any store that will take them off your hands. Instead, you want to get the best value for your toys. You also do not want to spend all your available time selling your toys either. So, how do you know where […]
The Places that Buy M.A.S.K. Toys for Cash
Finding the best places that buy M.A.S.K. toys for cash is a long and confusing process, especially if this is your first time selling your toys. Now that the internet is in wide use, there are many options available. However, not every place will give you the same level of service. You will also find […]