Jump into this Top 10 Expensive Tron Collectibles list with us. We will dive into the expansive technological world of Tron and look into the collectibles’ valuable history. The epic story of Tron first came out as a movie on July 9, 1982 distributed by Walt Disney. It sparked popularity being one of the first […]
Wheeljack’s Lab – Vintage Toy Blog
Follow this blog for the new, the unusual, the rare and cool Generation 1 G1 Transformers toys. Reviews, news, toy resources, galleries, unboxing, opinions and personal reflections on vintage toys.
All About Diaclone
The Diaclone toy line first released in 1980 and is the series that started the widely popular Transformers toys. Although toy companies released changing robots previously, Diaclone made this feature it’s central purpose. This line of toys, released by Takara Toys in Japan, include robots and vehicles that transform. The Hasbro toy company then licensed […]