You probably already know that the three decades under consideration here were phenomenal. Let’s start with the ’70s, which bore some rarity for horror movies. The decade brought about the industry’s rebirth. It was marked with mixed creativity and emotional sensitivity. All this helped to produce vividly descriptive and excruciating horror that mirrored what the […]
Wheeljack’s Lab – Vintage Toy Blog
Follow this blog for the new, the unusual, the rare and cool Generation 1 G1 Transformers toys. Reviews, news, toy resources, galleries, unboxing, opinions and personal reflections on vintage toys.
The Best 1980s Horror Movies
When the Video Home System (VHS) was invented in the late 1970s, things became more interesting in the movie industry. Since audiences now experienced entertainment from the comfort of their homes, the home entertainment technology subverted the cinema. Truly, by the early 1980s, more than thirty percent of Americans had access to the system in […]
The Best 1980s Sci-Fi Movies
As far as science fiction is concerned, the ’80s was the decade where modern sensibilities where the previous decades’ progressive ideas flourished. Also, It was the decade that gifted the sci-fi genre an extensive breakthrough in the entertainment business. There were so many great 1980 Sci-Fi movies that it was hard to determine the best […]
The Best 1980s Video Games
The 80s were an interesting time for the video game industry. It was only the second decade of existence and experienced both highs and lows. A golden age of arcade games and a video game crash in 1983 made it look like this burgeoning industry might not make it to the newest century. Despite it […]
The Best 1980s TV Shows
The best television shows were in large part due to the 1980s. Some of the best 1980s TV Shows are also in general the best television shows to date! This decade housed so many classic TV shows that anyone born in the ’80s can quickly identify. Unlike today that features so many entertainment platforms yearning […]
The Best 1980s Movies
People often regard the 1980s as the pioneering decade for music, fashion, and technology. However, it was also a golden period for the cinema! It has some of the best movies in general, but this list will only cover the best 1980s movies. Although many would not agree – especially when compared with the serious, […]
The Top 20 Music Videos from the 1980s to the 1990s
The 1990s were not just the foundational year for synthetic pop, New wave, and Hair Metal; it was the golden generation of pop music. Though uncharacterized by very flashy and colorful videos, the golden age made up for the color with innovations, science, and a content-filled video. It is no surprise that a survey conducted […]
Top 10 1980s Cartoons
The 1980s was an era most notable for its fashion, colorful clothing, and huge hairs that were in vogue. However, there was one other thing that was in vogue. It was the early Saturday morning cartoon shows. The ’80s saw the production of some of the best cartoon movies and television series ever produced. Growing […]
The Greatest Wrestling Moments
There was so much entertainment about wrestling in the 1980s and 1990s, and those decades spawned the greatest wrestling moments in modern history. The wrestlers had their personified songs, celebrations, chants, and smacks. There were scenes too beautiful to be unnoticed. To those who had reservations about it being a pre-acted sport, there were thousands […]
Top 10 Most Expensive Kenner M.A.S.K. Toys
Throughout the 80s, interest in action figures and transforming toys were at an all-time high. Kenner sought to marry these two concepts together with their M.A.S.K. toy line (often simplified to just “MASK’). The line debuted in 1985 and featured figures that were roughly 2 inches (5.08 centimeters) tall and vehicles with secret weapons. Unlike […]