After the success of the Alien movie and the sequel Aliens, the ALIENS name became an unforeseen success and multi-media franchise. Seeing the wave of popularity, Kenner Products, an American toy production company, joined in on this success train by producing a line of toys based on the Alien movies. What made the Kenner ALIEN […]
Wheeljack’s Lab – Vintage Toy Blog
Follow this blog for the new, the unusual, the rare and cool Generation 1 G1 Transformers toys. Reviews, news, toy resources, galleries, unboxing, opinions and personal reflections on vintage toys.
The Ten Most Expensive ALIEN toys
Ridley Scott awed and shocked audiences as he introduced them to the perfect predator in the science fiction horror film ALIEN. While he did not know it as he crafted the film, his work sparked a franchise that has remained strong for decades. Likewise, one company took a gamble to create one of the most […]
Retrospective on The ALIEN Franchise: Space Horror Refined
The Alien franchise is a successful action, horror, and sci-fi media franchise. The franchise is based on the horror, sci-fi 1979 movie titled Alien, directed by Ridley Scott. The brilliance of Ridley Scott’s movie spawned a massive franchise. This monstrous franchise contains three more sequels, two prequels, over twenty-three video games, over seventy comic books, […]