When Were the First Infaceables Action Figures Made?

If you love vintage toys, chances are you’ve heard about the fascinating line of action figures, the Infaceables. Here at Wheeljack’s Lab, we buy and sell vintage toys and collectibles. One of the many toy lines we supply is the Infaceables. Collectors know that a vintage piece’s history determines its value. So, when were the first Infaceables action figures made? This article will explore the beginnings of these 80s relics and examine their place in the toy industry.

Iron Lion The Infaceables 1984 Galoob

The First Infaceables Action Figures

The origin of the Infaceables takes us back to the era of neon colors, mixtapes, and some of the most memorable toy lines. These toys first saw light in the year 1984, a time when action figures were booming, thanks to the increasing popularity of animated TV shows and comic books. Galoob, a notable name in the toy manufacturing world, was the company that introduced these unique toys to the market.

Innovation Behind the Infaceables

The Infaceables were indeed “in your face” with their innovation. What set them apart from the competition was their distinct transformation feature. Rather than the body-transforming action of popular toys like Transformers, the Infaceables offered a unique face-changing action. When the back of the toy was pushed, it displayed a striking transformation, with the human face turning into a fearsome creature’s face. This unique feature was a hit among children.

The Infaceables line featured various action figures, each with its unique transformation. Characters like Sphinx, a desert warrior, would transform into a snarling sphinx creature. Then there was Battle Hawk, the gallant knight that changed into a horrifying bird of prey. The toy line offered various options for kids to choose from, further enhancing its popularity.

Tembo The Infaceables Galoob 1984

The Infaceables Legacy

Despite the Infaceables action figures being short-lived, they left an indelible mark on the vintage toy landscape. Today, these toys are considered collectors’ items and are much sought-after in the vintage toy market. As we continue to appreciate and collect these artifacts of the past, the Infaceables serve as a testament to the innovation and creativity of the 1980s toy industry. Their unique design, transformative features, and colorful characters continue to captivate vintage toy enthusiasts, reminding us of a time when the simple push of a button could transform a friendly face into a fantastical creature.

Do you have old and used Infaceables toys?

If you have a collection of old and used toys, you can turn those toys into cash. There is no reason to let those old toys collect dust. Contact us today to sell your Infaceables toy collection.

Our professional, friendly, and expert staff have decades of experience as collectible toy buyers. If you are ready to sell your collection today, fill out the form below or call us at 888-946-2895.

About the Author

Author: Chris Ingledue 


Bio: I am the founder and owner of Wheeljack’s Lab pop Culture and Toy Shop. My vision has always been to reunite customers with their favorite childhood toys and pop culture, triggering fond memories, and reigniting their imaginations. Every day, I work in the “lab” where it’s Christmas 365 days a year. I scour the internet, like when we had the Sears Catalog of yesteryear, for the next great treasure. Then, I await the arrival of the postman as if he were Santa Claus himself and helping collectors worldwide with their versions of Christmas. Every day as a vintage toy buyer is an absolute joy!

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