Crystar, Crystal Warrior, a fantasy-based comic book series published by Marvel in the early 1980s began the inspiration for Crystar toys. These toys first debuted throughout stores in 1982 and captivated fans all over the world. The toys’ multiple crystal transformations and posable possibilities took the interest of many fans. The toy company, Remco, created […]
Wheeljack’s Lab – Vintage Toy Blog
Follow this blog for the new, the unusual, the rare and cool Generation 1 G1 Transformers toys. Reviews, news, toy resources, galleries, unboxing, opinions and personal reflections on vintage toys.
When Were the First Crystar Toys Made?
The world of action figures in the ’80s witnessed a remarkable era, with numerous memorable toy lines emerging within a decade. One such captivating line was the Crystar toy line, which introduced a fantastical realm of crystal-based warriors. Read on to explore the beginnings of Crystar action figures and answer the question: when were the […]
Are Old Crystar Toys Worth Anything?
Crystar action figures have carved a unique niche in the ever-growing vintage toy market. The Crystar line, based on a short-lived but beloved comic series by Marvel, is synonymous with quality and creativity. The colorful characters, intricate designs, and unique crystal-centric mythology made Crystar action figures a sought-after commodity during their initial release. Today, these […]