When Were the First Conan the Barbarian Action Figures Made?

Conan the Barbarian in Pop Culture

Conan the Barbarian came from the mind of writer Robert E. Howard. Howard published these short stories in pulp magazines in 1932. He published 17 of them before tragically ending his life in 1936. L. Sprague de Camp later published the rest of his short stories, totaling 21. Since the concept of Conan was born in 1932, there have been countless adaptations of his stories – movies, comic books, animated series, and action figures! While his various adaptations have contributed to his immense popularity, his foray into the world of action figures cemented Conan’s legacy in pop culture.

Marvel Comic’s Conan the Barbarian (1970-1993)

The First Conan the Barbarian Action Figures

Conan the Barbarian action figures first made their grand entrance into the world of toys in 1975. Mego Corporation, an American company well known for its 8” action figures designed from TV shows, movies, and comic books, produced the first Conan action figure. Mego’s Conan was part of their comic action heroes’ line, including characters like Batman, Spider-Man, and the Incredible Hulk.

Remco, an American toy company founded in the 1940s, produced another Conan toy line in 1984. They only released one series. It contained 5 items: Conan King, Conan Warrior, Devourer of Souls, Jewel Thief, and Thoth Amon. The Remco Conan line was based more on the comic book series than the movies. They are roughly 5 ½”.

Conan the Barbarian 1982 Remco

Collecting and Value of Vintage Conan the Barbarian Action Figures

As the first in the line, Mego’s Conan action figure holds a special place in a vintage toy collector’s book. The Remco line is also significantly appreciated, as it offers more than one character to play with. Over time, these figures, especially those in good condition or still in their original packaging, have become highly sought-after items in the vintage toy market. The value of these action figures has significantly increased over the years, turning them into true collectibles. In the decades following the first release, other manufacturers have also created Conan the Barbarian action figures, each adding their unique spin to the character.


Looking back, it is clear that Conan the Barbarian action figures have a rich history, from the character’s inception in the 1930s to his countless media adaptations. Today, these figures bring nostalgia for collectors and provide a valuable investment opportunity. Whether you’re a fan of the comics, the movies, or simply a toy enthusiast, the enduring appeal of Conan the Barbarian is undeniable, and his action figures continue to play a significant role in toy history.

Do you have old and used Conan the Barbarian toys?

If you have a collection of old and used toys, you can turn those toys into cash. There is no reason to let those old toys collect dust. Contact us today to sell your Conan the Barbarian toy collection.

Our professional, friendly, and expert staff have decades of experience as collectible toy buyers. If you are ready to sell your collection today, fill out the form below or call us at 888-946-2895.

About the Author

Author: Chris Ingledue 


Bio: I am the founder and owner of Wheeljack’s Lab pop Culture and Toy Shop. My vision has always been to reunite customers with their favorite childhood toys and pop culture, triggering fond memories, and reigniting their imaginations. Every day, I work in the “lab” where it’s Christmas 365 days a year. I scour the internet, like when we had the Sears Catalog of yesteryear, for the next great treasure. Then, I await the arrival of the postman as if he were Santa Claus himself and helping collectors worldwide with their versions of Christmas. Every day as a vintage toy buyer is an absolute joy!

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