
Beginning in 2007, Takara produced reissues of Generation One toys under their Encore toy line. The toy line originally ran from 2007-2013. Takara released around twenty reissued generation one toys to the line during that time. However, a few special editions and recolorations of this line also came out through e-Hobby. The line returned in 2018, reissuing five more modern figures up until 2020.

We buy and sell Transformers-related toys, memorabilia, and collectibles at the best value. So, if you are ready to sell Takara’s Transformers Encore toys, feel free to contact us today. We are more than happy to hear about your collection. We will also respond within 24 hours of hearing from you.


Beginning in 2007, Takara produced reissues of Generation One toys under their Encore toy line. The toy line originally ran from 2007-2013. Takara released around twenty reissued generation one toys to the line during that time. However, a few special editions and recolorations of this line also came out through e-Hobby. The line returned in 2018, reissuing five more modern figures up until 2020.

We buy and sell Transformers-related toys, memorabilia, and collectibles at the best value. So, if you are ready to sell Takara’s Transformers Encore toys, feel free to contact us today. We are more than happy to hear about your collection. We will also respond within 24 hours of hearing from you.

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