The name “Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light” surely won’t ring a bell with all, but those familiar with the series can recall the distinguishing holographic chests and staffs. Though it failed to meet expectations and thus had a short lifespan, the Visionaries had a unique cast of villains to clash with their heroes. From the toys to the cartoon to their brief return in IDW’s Transformers vs. Visionaries series, the characters had limited opportunities to shine. The Visionaries toy line featured six hero characters and six villain characters, with the cartoon adding two women to the previously all-male cast. Despite the small cast, we have picked out the top 5 villains from the blink-and-you’ll-miss-it Visionaries series.
The failure of the Visionaries toy line resulted in the cancellation of the second series of toys, alongside having the cartoon and comic series end after only a few installments. The Visionaries cartoon show, produced by Sunbow, only contained thirteen episodes. The comic only saw six issues published. Despite this, the Darkling Lords, the antagonists in the Visionaries series, left an impact on many.
The small cast was difficult to rank, but we hope to present a fun and interesting list of our favorite villains from the world of the Visionaries! Please enjoy as we count down our top 5 Visionaries villains.
Presenting the Top Five Visionaries Villains
5. The Sun Imps

This entry is a tad unusual, as it features a group of characters that are not affiliated with the Darkling Lords, but they deserve a spot as much as any other entry on this list. The focus of the final episode of the cartoon, “Dawn of the Sun Imps,” the group of six menaces forced the Spectral Knights and Darkling Lords to cooperate in order to end their threat. The imps: Abraxas, Gorge, Growl, Knightmare, Mysto, and Shaggy, were all a pale yellow/gold color. Additionally, they all had powers that threatened the Visionaries world.
Due to their limited appearance, each eccentric imp shares a spot on our list. The Sun Imps shared a function within the narrative, being a greater threat that forced the heroes and villains to work together for a common goal. Beyond this, the mischievous embodiments of malice were intended to appear in the second series of toys, but were canned when the series failed to capture the imagination of enough children. Despite the fact, their characterization and impact on the story was remarkable, piquing our interest and securing the number five spot on our list of the top 5 Visionaries villains.
4. Cravex

As he wielded an axe, of Power Staff of Fear, and a totem of the fictional Phylot, Cravex was the most maniacal Darkling Lord. His incantation to activate his staff was the apt “Oh mist-filled pits, dark, dank, unclear; touch all before me with frost-fingered fear!” The chant evoked images of inauspicious and creepy locations. Cravex was an opportunistic and hot-tempered individual, as seen by the blurb on his card and his behavior in the cartoon and comic series.
Cravex has always been one of the most interesting Darkling Lords, from his loud and unmistakable presence in the cartoon to his fight against the Autobots and Spectral Knights in the 2018 IDW Transformers vs. Visionaries series. Additionally, Cravex wore one of the coolest outfits in the series, with reddish orange fabric and black ornate armor. Due to his unique and prominent personality alongside his fashionable ‘fit, Cravex rightfully earned his fourth place ranking!
3. Cindarr

The direct counterpart of Spectral Knight Cryotek, Cindarr was the oldest and strongest of the Darkling Lords. Cindarr wielded a mace and the Power Staff of Destruction, befitting to his gorilla totem. His incantation was “By nature’s hand, by craft, by art, what once was one, now fly apart!” In the comics, Cindarr was the long-time enemy of Cryotek, and he ended up swearing his allegiance to Darkstorm after the evil leader to-be trapped him in a vat full of spider’s milk, and who could blame him? While the comics portrayed Cindarr as the dimmest Darkling Lord with a soft spot, the comics depicted him as a serious force to be reckoned with.
The two different flavors of Cindarr enabled him to be enjoyed by a wider number of fans. Both his semi-softhearted villain and intimidating goliath incarnations have a significant charm to them. While his toy was not the most striking of the bunch, his cartoon and comic designs had plenty of flair and details to admire.
2. Virulina

Though she never received a toy, Virulina was the sole female Darkling Lord. Unsurprisingly, her primary adversary was the sole female Spectral Knight: Galadria. She was granted the shark totem, due to her attempt to sacrifice Galadria to a tentacled monster so she could escape potential death. She wielded a double-bladed spear/axe and, in the comics, she also wielded a Power Shield of Disease. Virulina was also seen wearing disguises in the cartoon. Despite being sorely unrepresented in the toy line, the disease-spreading Darkling Lord is one of the most popular and most interesting characters from the series.
With a bold personality and the only Darkling Lord willing to contest Darkstorm, Virulina is a clear fan-favorite. Her purple hair and dark pink armor make her one of the most flamboyant Visionaries characters. Having the only aquatic totem and a unique set of tools helps Virulina stand above the other Darkling Lords! Her spot as #2 in our list of the top 5 Visionaries villains is rightfully earned.
1. Darkstorm

Unabashedly evil, Darkstorm led the Darkling Lords. His totem was the mollusk, and he used a twin-bladed axe and the Power Staff of Decay. He gained the support of his to-be lackeys by freeing them from a trap. Persistent on his goal to defeat the Spectral Knights, Darkstorm frequently planned attacks and ambushes against the team. When the Sun Imps posed a threat to the world, Darkstorm begrudgingly accepted a truce with Leoric. Darkstorm wore blue and green armor, with his helmet having shell spirals on either side.
Simply put, Darkstorm has a great design and great characterization. Despite his blatant wickedness, he still has a great amount of charisma, both in his behavior and his appearance. He rules the Darkling Lords with an iron fist, demanding respect and obedience from not only his allies but his observers. The culmination of his traits result in him rightfully earning his place as our favorite Visionaries villain!
Do You Have Old and Used Visionaries Toys?
If you have a collection of old and used toys, you can turn those toys into cash. There is no reason to let those old toys collect dust. Contact us today to sell your Visionaries toy collection.
Our professional, friendly, and expert staff have decades of experience as collectible toy buyers. If you are ready to sell your collection today, follow our link above or call us at 888-946-2895.
Made in Collaboration With:
Chris Ingledue
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Bio: I am the founder and owner of Wheeljack’s Lab Pop Culture and Toy Shop. My vision has always been to reunite customers with their favorite childhood toys and pop culture, triggering fond memories, and reigniting their imaginations. Every day, I work in the “lab” where it’s Christmas 365 days a year. I scour the internet, like when we had the Sears Catalog of yesteryear, for the next great treasure. Then, I await the arrival of the postman as if he were Santa Claus himself and helping collectors worldwide with their versions of Christmas. Every day as a vintage toy buyer is an absolute joy!