Spiral Zone is a science fiction, action, and adventure animated series based on a toy line made by a Japanese Toy Company called Bandai. Spiral Zone is also notable for ushering the zombie apocalypse genre into the limelight. A collaboration of Atlantic and Kushner-Locke television production produced the series. The ‘Good vs. Evil’ theme was also a major part of Spiral Zone that attracted many viewers to the show.
The forces of a mad scientist sought to place the entire world under a scientific bond that suspends their thinking. This force prevents them from making any choices except executing the task given by this scientist, the Overlord. His company of five strong and intelligent dark forces was known as Black widows, which consist of Bandit, Rawmeat, Razorback, Reaper, and Duchess Dire.
Having captured major cities of the world, nations felt the need to put an end to the aggression of the Overlord, but there are only five soldiers who have a scientific suit capable of resisting the zone of the Overlord. Colonel Dirk Courage led the elite military team, whose leadership was significant to foiling the attempts of the Black widows and the Overlord to extend his influence.
With an exciting team of heroes and supervillains, there are so many characters who were highly rated by the show’s audience
Presenting, the top ten characters from Spiral Zone:
10. Dr. Lawrence

In an animated show not short of brave characters, Dr. Lawrence provides a new dimension and has outstanding features. His scientific knowledge is outstanding while also displaying sound leadership skills. Although he was not part of the character that featured early in the show, his role grew significantly in the show as the Zone riders try to find a way to counter the Overlord’s scientific intelligence.
The 60th episode displayed his significance when he fell ill from a virus. Thus, the zone riders had to take the substantial risk of launching an attack on the base to capture Dr. Mikael Gregori. Since they believed that Dr. Gregori was the only person with the knowledge of treating the virus, his capture was essential.
Towards the end of the show, Dr. Lawrence also tried to build a virus that can make people immune to the zone, although his proposition faced opposition because he did not properly outline the side effects of the virus. Dr. Lawrence’s scientific backing was important in the war against the Black Widows as he was crucial in building their suits and making intelligent contributions such as building a zone negator and forming an effective partnership with Gideon Rorshak. Dr. Lawrence also built the device that revealed Bandit’s identity as an impostor of the president.
9. Hiro

Hiro is a member of the zone riders who was actively involved in the activities of the group. He first created a wrong impression in the opening episode when he fell victim to Bandit’s undercover ploy which hypnotized him. Thus, he walked into the zoned area without his jackets and disclosed the rider’s plan to the Overlord. While the riders thwarted this plan, they also had to change their plans because of him.
Aside from the incident, Hiro was incredibly helpful to the riders and made immense contributions. In the 16th episode, Hiro shows off great strength by holding off Tank after he suffered exposure to the zone. He also received commands to protect the engine at all costs by Duchess Dire.
Hiro also showed off his martial art skills when his teacher master Daito fell victim to the zone. As the Overlord ordered Daito to face the riders, Hiro faced off against him. Hiro emerged the winner in that duel then freed his master from the zone.
Hiro’s had a troubled relationship with his father, Kenjiro, over the allegations over his father’s exploitation of his workers. For instance, Kenjiro got rich at the expense of the workers. This showed Hiro’s humanity and willingness to defend the weak – an attribute shared by all riders.
8. Razorback

Razorback may be a villain, but he is also an intelligent character who is one of the trusted allies of the Overlord. He was not involved in the attempt to overthrow Overlord, which also revealed his status as one of the few loyal loyalists of the strong evil leader. However, he was part of those involved in the ploy against Bandit when the riders captured the Overlord.
Razorback also showed great intelligence himself when he during his arrest and jailing. He was smart enough to rally people around to organize his escape.
Also, it did not take him a long time to figure out Max was a spy sent to discover his plans. Rather than aggressively get involved in a battle, Razorback took it as an opportunity to execute his plan and quickly made use of Max as a hostage. Razorback is an intelligent villain in the animated show.
7. Macfarland

General Macfarland is one of the major heroes of the animated series. He was the mastermind of some of the most successful moves of the riders since he was an intelligent leader. His intelligence was crucial in the first successful attempt to capture the Overlord.
General Macfarland was the target of Overlord, who wished to take the general captive since he took over his plane. Macfarland could have brought the show to a quick end if he had flown the Overlord to an unknown island, far away from an escape plan. However, the UN command restricted him until the Overlord eventually broke out. As the Overlord took everyone down except the general, Macfarland held him off. Macfarland displayed his immense strength by holding Overlord off until the eventual appearance of Duchess Dire.
Macfarland fell victim to manipulation to a generator that the black widows dropped in his pocket. This generator then made him follow the Overlord’s instruction to stop the Riders. Thus, the general almost shot at Kat before Dirk reminds him of his role and the riders.
6. Reaper

Reaper is a member of the black widows who is equally as strong as the other four members. However, Reaper is a power-hungry villain who was nowhere near a submissive follower of the Overlord. As Reaper followed his instinct, he was ready to form alliances that may help his bid to become the black widow’s leader.
Reaper was conniving with Razorback to overthrow Bandit as the ruler of the black widows in the absence of the Overlord. However, that was not the only time Reaper made such an attempt. He also conspired with an external group while agreeing to give out leadership positions to those who aided his course.
Although the Overlord was not ignorant of his ambitions, he never confronted Reaper over his desire to take over.
5. Kat

Kat was involved in every major action of the Riders. Macfarland almost shot Kat after his zoning, but Zirk intervened just in time.
Alongside Kat’s strength and bravery, her ability to go undercover was a major addition to the riders. Her undercover skills were useful as the riders sometimes reduced to using undercover methods to get information. Thus, she was able to help them learn the Overlord’s next moves.
Kat’s prompt intervention was also important in rescuing Tank from the fire at Greyson’s house after Overlord was curious about how he resisted the zone’s influence.
4. Duchess Dire

The Overlord and Bandit may have been the most powerful members of the Black Widows. However, none weakened the Riders and inflicted more harm than Duchess Dire. She was always at the right place at the right time. She even rescued the Overlord from Macfarland when Overlord would have suffered defeat. Thus, she was a trusted loyalist of the Overlord. She also has real strength, great pace, and great intelligence.
Duchess Dire also led the biggest victory of the Black widows when she faked a surrender to the king of England and promised to destroy the generators. Through that action, the black widows zoned over 500,000 soldiers in what became the biggest defeat of the riders.
Duchess Dire was ready to take up any role given to her by the Overlord, including taking up undercover roles to execute the plan of his master. Duchess Dire was the most significant character among the black widows.
3. Bandit

Bandit was the strongest and most intelligent member of the black widow. His role became obvious right from the first episode when he disguised as a store owner beside the base of the riders. He then presented a game to Hiro, which hypnotized him and led him to the zone without his jacket.
That was not to be the only time Bandit was going to be disguising as another character. He also disguised as the president when the president fell victim to a zone.
His intelligence was on display after he discovered the zone negator built by Dr. Lawrence. Thus, he quickly suggested a truce between the United States and the Overlord. After the riders exposed him, Bandit was smart enough to immediately find his way.
Bandit was a perfect soldier with every attribute of a strong and smart character. He also highlighted his strength in physical combat when he held off Dirk after the plane crashed on an unknown island.
2. Colonel Dirk

If it had not been for the bravery of Colonel Dirk Courage and his well-equipped team, the Overlord would have zoned the world. Despite not matching his foe’s numerical strength and scientific advancement, Colonel Dirk was brave. He also showed an amazing leadership style in guiding the team.
After a series of defeats, his ability to lead the team was in doubt. Still, the team voted to keep his position due to his immense bravery in foiling several attacks of the black widow.
1. The Overlord

There is no doubt the Overlord is the best character in the show. The show centered around his intelligence and schemes. Moreover, no other scientist was successful in matching his creativity.
Though overwhelmed by greed and power, he was special as a leader who clearly understood what he wants. He never gave way to distractions, including when he learned of the ploy of some of his allies to dethrone him. Thus, the Overlord is an amazing supervillain of the animated show.
Final Thoughts
Audiences deeply appreciated Spiral Zone for several creative effects. Its characterizations, which helped advertise the toys, were also exceptional. Most of the characters became fan favorites after the conclusion of the show.
Do you have old and used Spiral Zone toys?
If you have a collection of old and used toys, you can turn those toys into cash. There is no reason to let those old toys collect dust. Contact us today to sell your Spiral Zone toy collection.
About the author
Author: Chris Ingledue
Contact: email
Bio: I am the founder and owner of Wheeljack’s Lab pop Culture and Toy Shop. My vision has always been to reunite customers with their favorite childhood toys and pop culture, triggering fond memories, and reigniting their imaginations. Every day, I work in the “lab” where it’s Christmas 365 days a year. I scour the internet, like when we had the Sears Catalog of yesteryear, for the next great treasure. Then, I await the arrival of the postman as if he were Santa Claus himself and helping collectors worldwide with their own versions of Christmas. Every day as a vintage toy buyer is an absolute joy!