The Ghostbusters is a classic science fiction comedy released in 1984. The sequels of the movie released in 1989 and 2016, with a new sequel in anticipation. Unlike other movies in the horror genre, Ghostbusters makes use of ghosts that do not appear very scary. Several times, the Ghostbusters even described some ghosts as very beautiful. Jillian and Erin described the first ghost they encountered as very beautiful in the second sequel. In the original movie, Egon, Peter, and Ray also described the library ghost as beautiful, although that opinion changed when they got closer.
Unlike most horror movies, the ghosts are like comic characters, hence, it reduces the level at which they would have been frightening in the movie. Moreover, these ghosts were not some carnivorous beasts feeding on human flesh.
The movie contains the use of technology by three scientists who lost their official responsibility in the university because of their scientific research on ghosts. Egon, Peter, Ray, and Winston encountered several ghosts.
The Top Ten Ghosts from the Ghostbusters Movies and Cartoons
10. Slimer

This floating green creature appeared in some of the most memorable scenes of the original movie. It was present at the Sedgewick hotel before the Ghostbusters arrived. At the entrance of the hotel, the guests were shocked, ignorant of what was happening in a particular room.
Slimer is not a scary ghost, rather, it is a glutton as the Ghostbusters found him gorging himself on the hotel’s buffet. Director Ivan Reitman described Slimer as ” a party guy looking to have a fun time”. Slimer was a favorite imaginary character as he appeared in the first Ghostbusters in 1984, the second Ghostbusters in 1989, the third Ghostbusters in 2016, the animated T.V series, and the video games. Although the name “Slimer” came from the animated series, the casts in the movies referred to Slimer as the “Onionhead Ghost”.
Despite not looking frightening and did not cause any damage, Slimer released ectoplasmic residue on Peter Venkman and its pursuit by the unskilled Ghostbusters at that time did scare away visitors at the hotel in the first movie.
9. City of Albany Ghost Train

If you were watching the Ghostbusters II for the first time, you would be scared if you thought that characters were about to die. This is exactly why the ghost train appeared in the movie. For a moment, it created a strong bit of tension and suspense, as it stirs curiosity as to what the effect could be. Egon, Ray, and Winston had gone underground to see the river of ectoplasmic slime. In the process, the Ghostbusters walk through the New York subterranean metro where the ghost train ran through the characters. Although Egan and Ray were quick enough to avoid the ghost train, it particularly ran through Winston who remained shocked for the following seconds.
In the sequel, the ghost train scene provided some of the best moments of tension which is exactly why Principal Photography added it after they had wrapped the shooting. The special effect intended was apparent, but the ghost train did not appear in the 2016 movie and it is unlikely for the 2021 upcoming sequel.
8. The Library Ghost

The library ghost was the first ghost the Ghostbusters encountered in the original movie. A librarian at the New York City library experienced a usual flipping of books on the shelves and attempted running in shock. Unfortunately, she came face to face with the ghost which reached out its hands to her.
The librarian narrated her ordeal to the Ghostbusters who were highly unskilled in the practice at that time. However, the Ghostbusters found the ectoplasm in the library, which Peter first disregarded as nothing substantial to their scientific inquiry.
However, their little piece of technological device used in tracking ghosts suddenly pointed them to a certain direction where the ghost was reading. The three scientists took photographs and introduced themselves, but the ghost appeared uninterested. However, on attempting to get the ghost, the ghost transmogrified into a fiery-looking beast and the scientists ran away.
Fans also know the library ghost as the Grey lady or Eleanor Twitty. Like most of the ghosts in the movie, it was harmless but looked like a real beast when the scientists attempted to lay hold on it. The library ghost also appeared in the blockbuster video games.
7. Tenebraug

Unlike the original movie and its first sequel, the cartoon characters were frightening and possessed an unreasonable number of supernatural powers. Beyond that, some of the cartoon characters were also nasty and violent. One of such is the Tenebraug.
An unpleasant orange monster that featured in the Extreme Ghostbusters. This frightening creature also possesses an amazing supernatural ability that makes it steals the eyes of anyone that looks at it. The creature detaches its victim’s eyes then immediately glues them onto its orange-colored hide.
The Ghostbusters later discovered that they could resist the ability by closing their eyes and picking at the creature. Although, that was after it had snatched the eyes of a customs officer and a cleaner while in transport to a New York museum.
6. Achira

Extreme Ghostbusters, the cartoon version of the Ghostbusters movie did not hold back with different monstrous creatures — one of those creatures was Achira. Achira was a beast whose arms were worms with their terrifying faces. Her supernatural ability was spreading various kinds of diseases and plagues which eventually leads to death.
Historically, Achira was a Mesopotamian goddess who inflicted several plagues upon the people. The evil goddess became trapped and magically tied in an underground cell. After several years, the venue of Achira’s spiritual incarceration became New York City and Achira eventually found a way to set herself loose. The body which Achira would take up as her host was Kylie, Egon’s student.
Achira used Kylie’s body to wreak a lot of havoc on the city by spreading various diseases.
The Ghostbusters need to forge a new weapon to separate Achira from Kylie, but, eventually, they defeated her.
5. The Boogieman

A famous character in the Ghostbusters cartoon, the boogieman appeared in the Ghostbusters franchise and comic books. The Boogieman is not the type of character kids like to remember. This character does not possess the demon-like nature of Achira, but it is just as scary. The Boogieman is extremely strong and much of the strength comes from feeding on the fear of its victims. It is why Boogieman selects children as his primary targets.
Also, the boogieman possesses a powerful scream that produces energy that can take people off their feet.
The Boogieman is immune to the weapons used by Egon in trapping ghosts because he is not a ghost, though he is also from a different realm. In fighting off his influence, Egon seals him off in his realm which prevents him from coming back. However, another scenario emerges where the Boogieman feeds on Egon’s fear and breaks back into the world. The Ghostbusters turned him into a ghost before Egon eventually trapped him.
4. The Scoleri Brothers

It is almost impossible to watch the first sequel of the Ghostbusters and forget about the famous court session. Aside from the theatrics provided by the lawyers, the judge delivered an unfair sentence to Ray, Egon, and Peter. However, the most interesting part of the court session was the emergence of the Scoleri brothers.
The Ghostbusters have earlier obtained a part of the ectoplasmic slime which was surrounding the city for scientific purposes. The Ghostbusters brought a small amount of the slime to the court to convince the judge that they had not dug the hole in the middle of the city for no reason. Having failed in convincing the judge, the slime responded to the judge’s aggression which led to the summoning of the Scoleri brothers. The same judge had also sentenced the brothers to death by electrocution, explaining why they appeared on electric chairs.
The Ghostbusters hunted and caged the frightening brothers. So, their appearance also helped the Ghostbusters suggest the slime was responding to negative reactions.
3. The Grundel

The Grundel is the only character to appear in the two animated movies of the Ghostbusters. It appeared as a villain in the Real Ghostbusters and Extreme Ghostbusters. The Grundel has a similar attribute to the Boogieman in selecting its victims. The Grundel selects children who it believes have the potential to become as evil as its kind then it turns them into a Grundel.
Although the horrible-looking creature seeks out children, it aims to make them Grundels. However, the Ghostbusters trapped it before it could create a lot of damage.
2. Gozer the Destroyer

Gozer’s appearance was highly anticipated with Zuul the gatekeeper and the Keymaster providing the audience with a lot to look forward to. However, the appearance of Gozer was not that of a huge monster but its powerful ability to release lightning from her fingers was an interesting view.
Although Gozer did not fight as long as the audience would have expected a supervillain to, it reflected the comic nature of the movie.
1. Vigo the Carpathian

There were so many abilities possessed by Vigo. Analyzing his photo almost got two of the Ghostbusters burnt with the door locking itself, however, the timely intervention of another ghostbuster proved useful. Vigo resisted the device used in capturing ghosts by the Ghostbusters before he immobilized them and attempted to pick up Dana’s child.
This demon is extremely powerful, and it takes the top spot on this list.
There were several ghosts in the movies, but the ones mentioned on this list possessed special attributes that make them memorable to the audience of the Ghostbuster world.
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About the author
Author: Chris Ingledue
Contact: email
Bio: I am the founder and owner of Wheeljack’s Lab pop Culture and Toy Shop. My vision has always been to reunite customers with their favorite childhood toys and pop culture, triggering fond memories, and reigniting their imaginations. Every day, I work in the “lab” where it’s Christmas 365 days a year. I scour the internet, like when we had the Sears Catalog of yesteryear, for the next great treasure. Then, I await the arrival of the postman as if he were Santa Claus himself and helping collectors worldwide with their own versions of Christmas. Every day as a vintage toy buyer is an absolute joy!