In 2013, the Realm of the Underworld action figures released by Zoloworld. These figures brought back the iconic style of popular action figures from the 80s such as the original Masters of the Universe line. The first wave released in 2013 and, since then, other waves continue to release. These figures bring the 80s style […]
Wheeljack’s Lab – Vintage Toy Blog
Follow this blog for the new, the unusual, the rare and cool Generation 1 G1 Transformers toys. Reviews, news, toy resources, galleries, unboxing, opinions and personal reflections on vintage toys.
The Original Realm of the Underworld Action Figures
In the grand toy universe, many manufacturers have attempted to replicate the success of vintage toy line giants like Transformers, G.I. Joe, and He-Man. Their innovation, unique designs, and extensive backstories were challenging to compete with. Many smaller toy manufacturers instead created knock-off lines similar to famous ones so children could have a broader range […]