Jurassic Park is a unique science fiction movie franchise centered on dinosaurs, their confrontations with humans, and the quest to capture them for scientific inquiries. In Jurassic World, which was the fourth movie of the franchise, the dinosaurs took on both the protagonist and antagonist roles. With these roles, some dinosaurs became fans’ favorite for […]
Wheeljack’s Lab – Vintage Toy Blog
Follow this blog for the new, the unusual, the rare and cool Generation 1 G1 Transformers toys. Reviews, news, toy resources, galleries, unboxing, opinions and personal reflections on vintage toys.
Retrospective on the Jurassic Park Franchise
Michael Crichton’s masterpiece novel titled Jurassic Park in 1990 garnered a lot of attention and competition among some leading directors of the movie industry. The novel triggered a bidding war between Joe Dante, Richard Donner, Tim Burton, and Steven Spielberg. However, Spielberg appeared as the director of the original movie in 1993. In creating a […]
Top Ten Movie Monsters of All Time
Horror movies are a unique genre that entertains the audience with fear, using scary images, ghosts, or imaginary creatures. Although the genre is a very old one, the introduction of technologies has given it a new outlook. It has made the genre more entertaining and dynamic, making the audience forget about its fictional nature. It […]
Retrospective on The Predator Franchise
The Predator franchise is one of the most popular movie series of all time. Each sequel portrays different violent clashes between humans and a race of extraterrestrial creatures. These creatures hunt humans for sport and keep their skulls as accolades. The predators also have an advantage of advanced technologies which their weapons make full use […]
A Retrospective on the Rambo Movie Franchise
The Rambo media franchise consists of five movies, First Blood, Rambo: First Blood Part II, Rambo III, Rambo, Rambo: Last Blood. Each of these films is in the action genre and all adapted from David Morrell’s 1972 novel titled First Blood. The first movie, First Blood, debuted in 1982, Rambo: First Blood Part II in […]
The 10 Most Influential Directors from the 1970s to the 1990s
Those colorful movies introduced from the 70s to the 90s with advances in technology and the redefined genres that stirred your interest in movies. At least, they had a touch of those three beautiful decades. It was almost impossible for any genre not to have tasted the touch of brilliance that characterized the movies of […]
The Top 10 Movies Created to Market and Sell Toys
Companies have modeled toys and dolls after children’s favorite movie characters, wrestling characters, comic superheroes, and even villains sometimes. Studies show that people will pay more for a toy linked to an entertainment property like movies, TV shows, cartoons, and even comics than they will pay for a non-entertainment-associated toy. The statistics show that they […]
The Top 10 Movies of the 1970s to the 1990s
There are very few activities capable of releasing stress more than watching movies. The tragic ones can make you appreciate your life and choices, while the comic ones enhance your mood and health. Medical research has shown that comic movies tend to lower your blood pressure, reduce your stress hormones, decrease anxiety, and strengthen your […]