The Top 10 Starscream Toys #5-1

The Top 10 Starscream Toys #5-1

Welcome back to the top 10 list of Starscream toys. Please check back for the figures that made their way to 10-6 on the list.

For a quick recap, these are my picks for the top 10 Starscream toys released by Hasbro and Takara. I am not including any 3rd party interpretations of the character in this list, so there will be no mention of Make Toys Meteor. Also, despite the popularity of the Armada’s Starscream, I cannot look past the cockpit crotch nor wing sword. So, no variant of Armada’s toys will be present on this list.

Without further ado, I present my top 5 ranked Starscream toys.

5. Siege

Siege Starscream

The advances in engineering shine in the Transformers Siege series. Hasbro released this toy in 2019, but it has already proven to be one of my favorite Starscreams.

The robot mode has an impressive articulation, easily moving into dynamic poses. The Siege figure is very reminiscent of the Generation 1 design. Sadly, the faceplate that comes with the toy lacks the personality that Starscream is known for.

As for the vehicle mode, instead of a typical jet design, this is one of the few figures that transformers into a Tetrajet. Unfortunately, the Tetrajet is where this figure falls short. The robot mode folds into a square under the shell of the Terrajet. The chest panel tends to fall off when shifting from the chest to the back panel for the Tetrajet.

4. Robotmasters


The 2004 Robotmasters Starscream recreates the charm of the G1 toy while updating it. The Robotmasters figure is about half the size of the G1 toy. However, it removes the negative aspects from the original. There are no gaps between the wings and the rest of the body. The wings securely fasten onto the body when transformed into jet mode. Also, the hands remain on the figure at all times.

The jet mode is sleek, with virtually all sections securely snapping into place. Only the cockpit consistently refuses to snap on to the nosecone in my figure. While the Robot mode improves the articulation from the G1 toy, the Robotmasters figure lacks any knee joints. The transformation is simple and quick.

The Robotmasters Starscream came with two small accessories, chrome rocket launcher pads for his chest. These accessories attach to the chest plate so that they do not hinder transformation at any point.

3. Universe

Universe and Classics

The Transformers Universe line brought forth one of my favorite designs for Starscream in 2009. This toy is a basic recolor of the earlier Classics design sold in 2006. Unlike the prior release of the mold, the Universe line featured a Starscream that harkened back to the original G1 toy’s design. I personally prefer the thin lines for the wing highlights, which is why the Universe line’s Starscream makes my list.

This figure cleanly folds into the jet mode from robot mode, creating a sleek profile. The transformation is simple yet effective. While the robot mode is true to the G1 design, the upgrades in engineering provide the figure a far greater range of movement than its forebearer.

2. MP 11

Masterpiece MP-11

In 2012, Takara released a retooled version of their Masterpiece Starscream, the MP-11. This toy improved upon the prior attempt at a Masterpiece figure. Unlike the MP-03, the MP-11 figure removed the excess kibble like the side skirts. Thus, the MP-11 Starscream sports a much cleaner profile in both jet and robot modes.

Most importantly, Takara included accessories such as Starscream’s crown and cape from his coronation scene. The ability to recreate scenes from the 1986 movie boosts the attractiveness of this figure. Unfortunately, these same accessories throw off the balance of the toy.

Honorable Mention: Combiner Wars Leader Class

Combiner Wars Leader Class

Hasbro released a Leader Class Starscream in 2015 for the Combiner Wars line. This toy has several positive features that could have cemented it in the top 10 list. When transformed into a jet, the figure creates a sleek profile. Meanwhile, the robot mode has a vast range of articulation.

Unfortunately, the paneling on the back of the wings and hollow limbs mar the attractiveness of this toy. While there are smaller figures on this list with less articulation, the aesthetics of this figure are unforgivable in my eyes.

1. Earthrise


The newest iteration of Starscream, released in 2020, the Earthrise Starscream easily soared to the top of my list. Long time fans of Transformers will easily spot the similarities between this figure and the Classics mold from over a decade ago. The Earth Rise toy resembles an enlarged Universe Starscream with a few extra details. However, this toy possesses the same advanced articulation found in the Siege line.

The robot mode securely folds up into the streamlined jet mode, leaving little excess bulk below the jet. Each section of the jet mode is smooth and securely locked into place. All the limbs fold and tuck away so that they are not discernable.

The robot mode is just as impressive, the design aims to recreate the feel of the Sunbow animation design. The articulation found in the toy provides a dynamic range of movement, so collectors will not be pressed to pose their figure.

Even though Earth Rise has offered my favorite Starscream toy to date, there is still room for improvement. The nosecone becomes little more than kibble on the back of the figure in robot mode. Also, the figure gives little leeway in parts of the transformation, such as the clasps on the chest.

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