In 1990 the animated action environmentalist series, Captain Planet and the Planeteers, came out. This series lasted for six seasons and told the story of the Planeteers group and the superhero, Captain Planet. The story began with character Gaia sending out five powerful rings to chosen kids around the world, each representing an earthly element. The kids chosen, Kwame, Linka, Wheeler, Ma-Ti, and Gi, then work together to solve environmental disasters to care for our planet. From this series, toys, comics, and a video game also released. Read our Captain Planet Retrospective to learn more about the storyline. Many of these toys based on the characters from the show rise in value over the years and today hold significant value. Follow along in this Top 10 Expensive Captain Planet toys list with us. We will mention the toys released and their value as well as their importance to the franchise.
Join us Through The Top 10 Most Expensive Captain Planet Toys
From action figures to vehicles to playsets, many toys were released for this hit action animated series. Tiger Electronics toy company released these toys beginning in 1991 and helped bring the characters to life. Join us in this Top 10 Expensive Captain Planet toys list to find out more about these toys, characters, and the value they hold.
10. Toxic Sludge Dump Playset
Here, at number 10 on this Top 10 Expensive Captain Planet toys list, we have the Toxic Sludge Dump Playset. This Eco-Villain disaster set comes still packaged and sealed in it’s original box. The box contains the logo and title of the toy as well as a picture representing the set in action. Tiger Toys released four different playsets for Captain Planet and the Planeteers. Since only four released, this toy proves to be rare and hard to find. This playset still appears in good condition with a hardly-worn and bright colored sealed box which adds to the value of the toy. This Toxic Sludge Dump set sold through eBay on January 26, 2023 for $149.99.
9. Kwame Figure
At number 9 on this Top 10 Expensive Captain Planet toys list, we have the Kwame action figure. Tiger Electronics toy company released the basic figures from 1991-1993 and later released more for The New Adventures of Captain Planet. This Kwame figure still remains in it’s original bubble packaging with the cardboard back. The toy comes with a ring and pack as well as a working compass. The cardboard back contains the logo, catchphrase “The Power is Yours!”, and image of the animated character.
The figure itself appears similarly to the original character in the animated series. Kwame wears a green vest and shorts with blue high top sneakers, which clearly appear in the figure as well and with great detail. The figure appears in great condition with only a few wears to the corners of the cardboard backing. With this figure still in sealed original packaging, it stands to be very rare. It sold through eBay on July 8, 2023 for $150.
8. Talking Light and Thunder Captain Planet Figure
Tiger Toys released many different versions of the Captain Planet character in action figure form from 1991-1993. One of these, the Light and Thunder figure released in 1991, shows Captain Planet with added lightening bolts pained on it’s chest. As well as the lightening bolts, the figure’s attire includes his red boots, gloves, chest, and pants. Captain Planet’s bright green hair is also represented well through both the figure and the animated illustration on the cardboard. The figure remains sealed in it’s original packaging, standing at 6 inches tall, with a cardboard back. The “talking” feature included with this toy by pressing the button on the back also adds to the figure’s rarity. It sold through eBay on December 7, 2023 for $150 making this Captain Planet Talking Light and Thunder figure 8th on our list.
7. Chrome Armor Captain Planet Figure
Number 7 on our Top 10 Expensive Captain Planet toys list is the Chrome Armor Captain Planet action figure. This figure originates from Germany as shown through the text on the cardboard backing. Captain planet and his armor still stand in good condition, sealed to the cardboard. Along with the armor, this figure also comes with a Captain Planet child sized ring. The toy resembles the original cartoon character clearly through both the brightly painted colors and design. Epically painted with shiny silver, the chrome armor plates distinctly add to the character’s overall appearance. Going up in value, this German Chrome Armor Captain Planet action figure sold on June 11, 2017 for $169.96.
6. Captain Planet Figure
This Captain Planet Tiger Toys action figure takes place at number 6. It also remains sealed in original bubble packaging with cardboard backing. The figure and cardboard still appear in great condition with little to no yellowing on the bubble. Captain Planet comes with a child sized ring and looks very similar to the original character. The cardboard features an image showing to put string along the character’s back for ultimate superhero action play. This Captain Planet action figure appears on our Top 10 Expensive Captain Planet toys list as it sold through eBay for $175 on February 4, 2023.
5. Argos Bleak Figure
Argos Bleak, the figure of the character with the same name, comes in at number 5. This action figure makes an appearance on this Top 10 Expensive Captain Planet toys list due to its value. The Argos Bleak figure also comes with a purple helmet that even shoots the orange missile when pressing on the shoulder harness. This feature gets described through the image and caption on the top right hand side of the cardboard back. On the back of the packaging, we also see the missile launching feature demonstrated through a series of images for a more in depth representation. The figure wears blue jeans and vest with boots, corresponding to the original animated character. Because of Argos Bleak’s rarity, he holds a high value and sold on December 8, 2023. The customer bought this figure through eBay for $182.99.
4. Firestorm Captain Planet Figure
Tiger Electronics toy company released The New Adventures of Captain Planet figures after the release of the series with the same name in 1994. From this, three new Captain Planet figures came out: Firestorm, Thunder and Lightning, and Anti-Radiation Armor. This Firestorm figure appears entirely red with yellow hair and fiery flames painted on it’s arms, legs, and waist. The cardboard backing represents the figure, completely in red and black coloring as well as the animated character presented in the image next to the figure. Firestorm Captain Planet comes with two fiery discs to place on the toy’s wrists. When pressing the button on the figure, the top half spins rapidly to showcase the Firestorm abilities. The sealed Firestorm Captain Planet action figure sold through eBay for $297.50 on May 10, 2023. Because of the toy’s value, it lands at 4th out of the Top 10 expensive Captain Planet toys.
3. All American Captain Planet Figure
At 3rd on our list, we have the All American Captain Planet action figure. This Captain Planet figure wears red and white stripes across it’s chest and blue boots, resembling the United States’ flag. The apparel on the figure shows significance since the original series released in the US. Although the characters in the show came from all around the world and toys resembling the characters released globally, the Captain Planet All American represents America and the series’ origin. This figure still remains attached to it’s original cardboard backing in the bubble packaging. All American Captain Planet also comes with a child sized ring along side the figure. This figure sold on May 9, 2023 for $349.99.
2. Duke Nukem Figure
This Captain Planet Duke Nukem action figure Europe variant includes all pieces as a complete figure set. This figure holds a very high value, coming in 2nd on our Top 10 Expensive Captain Planet toys list. Although Duke Nukem looks similar to the animated image on the cardboard backing, there are some differences. The Duke Nukem figure’s mohawk appears bright green on the figure but red on the image. Also, the figure does not include shoes while the character in the image does. Other than these minor differences, the figure seems to represent the original character very well. The figure’s bright yellow skin, rock-like detailed skin, and blue Hawaiian shirt all showcase the role of the character. Duke Nukem also holds the “nuclear rays” feature which shows in the figure by it’s light up mouth and eyes. This figure sold for the high price of $500 on May 17, 2015.
1. Captain Pollution Figure
Now, at first on our Top 10 Expensive Captain Planet toys list, we have the Captain Pollution figure. The figure shows incredible thought and detail through the asymmetrical design of the gloves/boots and the polluted slime splotches scattered across his body. The figure also shows incredible thought and detail through the paint colors chosen. The bright green slime, purple hair (otherwise shown red on the series), and vibrant orange clothing all clearly show the character’s uniqueness. Captain Pollution also comes with a bright green bucket of slime. This slime can then be placed into the figure through the opening on the figure’s back. This feature allows Captain Pollution to ooze slime out of his body via the holes in the figure’s chest. Captain Pollution was purchased through eBay on May 9, 2023 for an incredible $600.
Do you Have Old Captain Planet Toys?
If you have a collection of old and used toys, you can turn those toys into cash. There is no reason to let those old toys collect dust. Contact us today to sell your Captain Planet collection.
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Chris Ingledue
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Bio: I am the founder and owner of Wheeljack’s Lab Pop Culture and Toy Shop. My vision has always been to reunite customers with their favorite childhood toys and pop culture, triggering fond memories, and reigniting their imaginations. Every day, I work in the “lab” where it’s Christmas 365 days a year. I scour the internet, like when we had the Sears Catalog of yesteryear, for the next great treasure. Then, I await the arrival of the postman as if he were Santa Claus himself and helping collectors worldwide with their versions of Christmas. Every day as a vintage toy buyer is an absolute joy!