
Hasbro produced the Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light toy line in 1987, which also became a cartoon series. The line consisted of 12 action figures and four vehicles. The figures had hologram stickers on both their chests and staves, a trend in 1986 and 1987. Lexor, Darkstorm, Arzon, and Cyrotek are some of the most popular characters.

We buy and sell new and used toys, memorabilia, and collectibles at the best value. So, if you are ready to sell Hasbro’s Visionaries toys, feel free to contact us today. We are more than happy to hear about your collection. We will also respond within 24 hours of hearing from you.


Hasbro produced the Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light toy line in 1987, which also became a cartoon series. The line consisted of 12 action figures and four vehicles. The figures had hologram stickers on both their chests and staves, a trend in 1986 and 1987. Lexor, Darkstorm, Arzon, and Cyrotek are some of the most popular characters.

We buy and sell new and used toys, memorabilia, and collectibles at the best value. So, if you are ready to sell Hasbro’s Visionaries toys, feel free to contact us today. We are more than happy to hear about your collection. We will also respond within 24 hours of hearing from you.

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