Robots In Disguise 2002

Originally appearing in Japan as Takara’s Car Robots toy line, Hasbro brought over the toys as the Robots in Disguise toy line in 2001. Likewise, The anime also came over to the west to promote the new toy line. Notably, this toy line featured a Megatron with five different transformation modes. While the main toy line featured many unique molds, store-exclusive repaints of older figures have garnered a notable fan base, such as Cryotek and Scourge.


Robots In Disguise 2002

Originally appearing in Japan as Takara’s Car Robots toy line, Hasbro brought over the toys as the Robots in Disguise toy line in 2001. Likewise, The anime also came over to the west to promote the new toy line. Notably, this toy line featured a Megatron with five different transformation modes. While the main toy line featured many unique molds, store-exclusive repaints of older figures have garnered a notable fan base, such as Cryotek and Scourge.