
The Transformers Prime toy line began in 2011 to connect to the ongoing television show. The original run of toys, titled First Edition, were a smaller assortment of figured aimed at a larger audience. Including the likes of Optimus Prime, Arcee, Bulkhead, and Starscream, these figures featured more involved transformations than later figures. Beginning in 2012, the second series of toys was targeted towards a younger audience and featured a large array of characters from the show. The series later rebranded to Beast Hunters, and featured many retooled and repainted figures from before the name change.



The Transformers Prime toy line began in 2011 to connect to the ongoing television show. The original run of toys, titled First Edition, were a smaller assortment of figured aimed at a larger audience. Including the likes of Optimus Prime, Arcee, Bulkhead, and Starscream, these figures featured more involved transformations than later figures. Beginning in 2012, the second series of toys was targeted towards a younger audience and featured a large array of characters from the show. The series later rebranded to Beast Hunters, and featured many retooled and repainted figures from before the name change.