Movie TLK

Transformers: The Last Knight is the fifth installment in the live-action Transformers film franchise. As with any new Transformers media, a toyline was produced alongside the film. The movie TLK toy line was split into two general categories: Turbo Changers for younger fans, and Premier Edition, for older fans. These two groups were on different levels of complexity, with the latter having simpler and less articulated toys and the latter having more involved transformations. Exclusive sublines such as Mission to Cybertron and Autobots Unite helped fill shelves at various retailers. The toy line features popular figures such as Scorn, Hound, and Sqweeks.

Movie TLK

Transformers: The Last Knight is the fifth installment in the live-action Transformers film franchise. As with any new Transformers media, a toyline was produced alongside the film. The movie TLK toy line was split into two general categories: Turbo Changers for younger fans, and Premier Edition, for older fans. These two groups were on different levels of complexity, with the latter having simpler and less articulated toys and the latter having more involved transformations. Exclusive sublines such as Mission to Cybertron and Autobots Unite helped fill shelves at various retailers. The toy line features popular figures such as Scorn, Hound, and Sqweeks.