Movie DOTM
In 2011, Transformers: Dark of the Moon, the final installment in the original Transformers live action trilogy, was released. Like the prior Transformers films and cartoons, toys were released alongside the movie. The Movie DOTM line featured various size classes and gimmicks, with the difficulty of the figures’ transformations rated on a scale of 1 to 3. The line featured the spring-loaded MechTech transforming weapon gimmick, where a trigger could be pressed on a figure’s weapon that transformed the weapon as long as the button was pressed down. The spring-loaded weapon gimmick was similar featured in some Transformers Prime figures.
Movie DOTM
In 2011, Transformers: Dark of the Moon, the final installment in the original Transformers live action trilogy, was released. Like the prior Transformers films and cartoons, toys were released alongside the movie. The Movie DOTM line featured various size classes and gimmicks, with the difficulty of the figures’ transformations rated on a scale of 1 to 3. The line featured the spring-loaded MechTech transforming weapon gimmick, where a trigger could be pressed on a figure’s weapon that transformed the weapon as long as the button was pressed down. The spring-loaded weapon gimmick was similar featured in some Transformers Prime figures.
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