In the final act of the Unicron Trilogy, Hasbro and Takara released the Cybertron toy line in 2006. This toy line presented the Cyber Key gimmick as its main draw. It also debuted the concept of lost Cybertronian colonies to the Transformers lore.
In the final act of the Unicron Trilogy, Hasbro and Takara released the Cybertron toy line in 2006. This toy line presented the Cyber Key gimmick as its main draw. It also debuted the concept of lost Cybertronian colonies to the Transformers lore.
Showing 1–12 of 13 results
3-Pc SET Landmine Snarl Dirt Boss Transformers 2006 Hasbro Cybertron NEW MOSC
$155.00 Add to cart -
Hardtop Deluxe Class Transformers Cybertron 2005 Hasbro Figure NEW SEALED
$60.00Free US Shipping Add to cart -
Recon Mini-Con Team AFA GRADED U85 Transformers Cybertron 2005 Hasbro SEALED
$94.12 Add to cart -
Scattershot Scout Class AFA GRADED U90 Transformers Cybertron 2005 Hasbro SEALED
$89.42 Add to cart -
Ransack Scout Class AFA GRADED U85 Transformers Cybertron 2005 Hasbro SEALED
$76.23 Add to cart -
Hot Shot Legends AFA GRADED U85 Transformers Cybertron 2005 Hasbro SEALED
$76.23 Add to cart -
Landmine Deluxe Class AFA GRADED U85 Transformers Cybertron 2005 Hasbro SEALED
$89.42 Add to cart -
Megatron Legends Class AFA GRADED U85 Transformers Cybertron 2005 Hasbro SEALED
$76.23 Add to cart -
Soundwave AFA GRADED U9.0 Transformers Fall of Cybertron 2012 Hasbro SEALED
$209.65 Add to cart -
Overhaul Scout Class AFA GRADED U90 Transformers Cybertron 2005 Hasbro SEALED
$76.23 Add to cart -
Clocker Scout Class AFA GRADED U90 Transformers Cybertron 2005 Hasbro SEALED
$76.23 Add to cart -
Ransack Scout Class AFA GRADED U90 Transformers Cybertron 2005 Hasbro SEALED
$76.23 Add to cart