Power Rangers

Power Rangers is a toy line produced by Bandai based on the hit Mighty Morphin Power Rangers show produced by Fox. The show, and subsequently, the toy line, features the Red Ranger, Blue Ranger, Black Ranger, Pink Ranger, Yellow Ranger, Green Ranger, and the combining “Zord” robots. As the various television shows ended and new ones began, the toy line reflected the new casts of characters and weaponry. The Power Rangers are still produced and considered pop culture icons of the 1990s.

Power Rangers

Power Rangers is a toy line produced by Bandai based on the hit Mighty Morphin Power Rangers show produced by Fox. The show, and subsequently, the toy line, features the Red Ranger, Blue Ranger, Black Ranger, Pink Ranger, Yellow Ranger, Green Ranger, and the combining “Zord” robots. As the various television shows ended and new ones began, the toy line reflected the new casts of characters and weaponry. The Power Rangers are still produced and considered pop culture icons of the 1990s.

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