
Pokémon, developed by Game Freak and published by Nintendo, began as three creature-collecting games for the Nintendo Game Boy: Pokémon Red, Green, and the revised Pokémon Blue. The games exploded in popularity and were translated to be sold globally. Later, an accompanying animated television show, movie, various toys, and the famous card series were added to supplement the games. The card game was originally produced by card game company Wizards of the Coast. Currently, the card game is currently produced by Creatures Inc. This sensation now has 9 generations of games, with a total of 31 “mainline” games, alongside spin-off games, and mobile games. There are around 100 card expansions, over 25 seasons of shows, 24 films, and an incredible number of toys.


Pokémon, developed by Game Freak and published by Nintendo, began as three creature-collecting games for the Nintendo Game Boy: Pokémon Red, Green, and the revised Pokémon Blue. The games exploded in popularity and were translated to be sold globally. Later, an accompanying animated television show, movie, various toys, and the famous card series were added to supplement the games. The card game was originally produced by card game company Wizards of the Coast. Currently, the card game is currently produced by Creatures Inc. This sensation now has 9 generations of games, with a total of 31 “mainline” games, alongside spin-off games, and mobile games. There are around 100 card expansions, over 25 seasons of shows, 24 films, and an incredible number of toys.

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