Pokémon is a Japanese media franchise consisting of video games, animated series and films, a trading card game, and other related media. The franchise takes place in a shared universe in which humans co-exist with creatures known as Pokémon, a large variety of species endowed with special powers. The franchise’s target audience is children aged 5 to 12, but it is known to attract people of all ages.
Pokémon is a Japanese media franchise consisting of video games, animated series and films, a trading card game, and other related media. The franchise takes place in a shared universe in which humans co-exist with creatures known as Pokémon, a large variety of species endowed with special powers. The franchise’s target audience is children aged 5 to 12, but it is known to attract people of all ages.
Showing 1–12 of 21 results
Gyarados Team Edition Booster Pack Pokemon 2000 WOTC NEW SEALED
$288.12Free US Shipping Add to cart -
Nintendo Pokemon Tropical Southern Island Jungle 3-Card Pack Japanese NEW SEALED
$33.00Free US Shipping Add to cart -
Pokemon Mew #151 Figure w/ Electronic Voice 1999 Nintendo Hasbro NEW MISB SEALED
$35.00Free US Shipping Add to cart -
Pokeball Bulbasaur Case Pokemon 1999 Burger King Kid’s Toy
$15.00Free US Shipping Add to cart -
Pokemon Blastoise #09 PokeBall Marble Shooter Nintendo Toy Biz 1999 1st Ed. Marb
$100.00Free US Shipping Add to cart -
Pokemon Combat Figure #03 Venusaur w/ Whip Action 2000 Hasbro Nintendo WORKS
$19.50Free US Shipping Add to cart -
Blastoise Booster Pack (21.42g) Pokemon Base Set 1999 WOTC NEW SEALED
$940.00Free US Shipping Add to cart -
Roll & Play Stampers W/Compact Pokémon 1995 Hasbro NEW SEALED
$34.30Free US Shipping Add to cart -
Pokemon Battle Figures Golem #76 & Geodude #74 Ball & Battle Discs MIP New
$69.58Free US Shipping Add to cart -
Pikachu Plush Clip-On Pokémon 1998 Tiger Electronics SOUND WORKS NEW SEALED
$34.30Free US Shipping Add to cart -
Pokemon Battle Figures Drowzee #96 & Hypno #97 Ball & Battle Discs MIP New
$53.90Free US Shipping Add to cart -
Zapdos Fossil Booster Pack Pokemon 1999 WOTC NEW SEALED
$196.00Free US Shipping Add to cart