Bionic Six

Bionic Six was an American-Japanese animated TV series that aired from 1987 to 1989. LJN made toys for this line in 1986, before the debut of the show. The main characters of the TV series are a family of machine-enhanced humans who possess unique powers after being augmented with bionic technology. Each member has specific bionic powers, which when formed together make a superhero team called the Bionic Six. Some of the  great characters of the Bionic Six include Helen and Eric Bennett.

Bionic Six

Bionic Six was an American-Japanese animated TV series that aired from 1987 to 1989. LJN made toys for this line in 1986, before the debut of the show. The main characters of the TV series are a family of machine-enhanced humans who possess unique powers after being augmented with bionic technology. Each member has specific bionic powers, which when formed together make a superhero team called the Bionic Six. Some of the  great characters of the Bionic Six include Helen and Eric Bennett.

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