Even as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics from Mirage Comics became a booming hit followed by a successful cartoon, few companies wanted to produce the movie. By the late eighties, the Superman films had run themselves to the ground with their fourth movie. Meanwhile, other comic book properties, like Howard the Duck, left a sour taste in the mouths of both audiences and executives. So, even the home of the current movies, Paramount, refused to have anything to do with the Turtles. Luckily, a small independent studio, New Line Cinema, agreed to hear out Kim Dawson as he sought to make Gary Proper’s dream a reality.
Meanwhile, they enlisted Golden Harvest, home of several Bruce Lee and other martial arts flicks, to film the project. As they brought in martial arts talent, the movie still required a way to create suits for their actors to wear. Luckily, they managed to snag the attention of the extraordinary Jim Henson Company, who agreed to create the animatronic suits for the actors.
Even from the initial stages of the production, Bobby Herbeck signed on to draft the script for the movie. Feeling the passion for the project, Herbeck drafted a script that reflected the dark tone of the Mirage Comics. However, Golden Harvest also brought in Todd W. Langen to help rewrite and iron out the script. Meanwhile, Steve Barron signed on to direct the project.
With all these chips in place, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles hit movie screens on March 30, 1990. While the project only cost around $13.5 million to produce, it grossed $202 million at the box office. Thus, the movie was not only a hit but one of the greatest successes from an independent studio.
Presenting the top ten characters that appeared in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movies
If not for the great characters present in the films, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles would have floundered at the box office. The movies depended on the charm and appeal of their characters. So, join us as we explore the greatest characters that appeared in New Line Cinema’ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movies.
10. Tokka and Rahzar

After the turtles defeated and humiliated the Shredder, he returned with a vengeance in the sequel, The Secret of the Ooze. Since the turtles had easily defeated his best-trained Foot Soldiers along with himself, he knew that he needed a new strategy to take them down. Thus, he quickly moved in when he heard of the mutagen from T.G.R.I. After the Foot abducted Jordan Perry and the final canister of the mutagen, he prepared two ferocious animals to become the next pair of mutants.
After exposure to the mutagen, the snapping turtle, Tokka, and wolf, Rahzar, emerged from their cages, prepared to become the Foot’s greatest assets. Sadly, the Shredder soon learned that the pair had the comprehension skills of toddlers. Despite this setback, he decided to use their brute strength to defeat the Ninja Turtles.
Even from their first encounter with the Turtles, Tokka and Rahzar forced the Turtles into retreat as the Turtles could not compete with their strength. Still, the Shredder desired the destruction of his foes, not their retreat. So, he set the duo loose on the streets of New York City, framing the destruction of the city as play. This devastation occurred as only a warning to the Turtles, if they did not fight Tokka and Rahzar, they would destroy even more of the city.
Unfortunately, as the Turtles prepared for the fight against Tokka and Rahzar, Jordan Perry and Donatello developed an anti-mutagen. As the anit-mutagen had to be digested, the Turtles convinced the mutant pair to partake in a pre-fight donut. Thus, by the end of the fight, Tokka and Rahzar returned to their original forms.
9. Tatsu

Even though the Shredder was the unquestioned martial arts master that led the Foot Clan, most of the soldiers listened to one other man, Master Tatsu. Master Tatsu stood firm by the Shredder’s side, training and leading the Foot’s operations. Thus, the average member of the Foot saw much more of Tatsu than they ever did of the Shredder.
As the second in command of the Foot, Tatsu directly answered to the Shredder. Thus, he stood at the ready when the Shredder first emerged to greet the newest soldier to gain the right to wear his Dragon Dogi. Tatsu respectfully greeted his master before he pulled back the man’s cape behind his bladed pauldrons. He then returned to stand by his master’s side as the ceremony continued.
Tatsu was a firm yet uncompassionate teacher of the Foot Soldiers. Even as one of the trainees successfully defended Tatsu’s attacks, Tatsu gave him no mercy. For, as the soldier bowed in respect to his master, Tatsu kicked him in the head before announcing that he should “Never lower your eyes to an enemy!”
Despite his commanding position, Tatsu was a man of little words. In most cases, he could command the Foot by simple grunts and hand motions. His command style gained the attention of Casey Jones, who questioned whether Tatsu required a throat lozenge. While Tatsu was not impressed by Casey’s taunts, neither he nor his soldiers took down the vigilante. Instead, Casey knocked Tatsu out with a golf club.
Tatsu continued to lead the Foot Clan even after the assumed death of the Shredder. However, as soon as the Shredder remerged, Tatsu quickly stepped down to allow his master to lead once more.
8. Casey Jones

Even as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles began to emerge from the sewers to take on New York City’s criminals, another man already decided to enact his brand of justice. With the crime wave stumping the police across the city, Casey gathered his sporting supplies to teach these criminals a lesson. Thus, Raphael first encountered Casey as he was chasing down a pair of nurse-snatchers.
As Casey confronted these criminals, he quickly knocked them down to the ground. However, he was not content with simply stopping the crime in action. Instead, he wanted to beat a lesson into criminals. So, he continued to beat them into submission. His rough conduct led Raphael to interfere on the behalf of the criminals. In the end, Casey triumphed as he knocked the turtle into a trash can with a cricket bat.
Despite his rough edges, Casey Jones proved to be an asset to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. As he witnessed the Foot’s attack on the Turtles at April’s apartment complex, he quickly moved to aid the Turtles as they fended off the foot. However, as a fire broke out in the building, he and the Turtles had to escape.
Thus, he went with them to April’s farmhouse as the group recovered from their wounds and recuperated. During their stay, he began to grow attached to the Turtles, respecting them as friends. He also began to form a relationship with April, even if his approach did not charm her on multiple occasions.
7. Donatello

When the Turtles required a brilliant invention, they turned to no other than their brother, Donatello. This turtle loved delving into technology and all things science. Thus, he easily followed along as T.G.R.I.’s chief scientist, Professor Jordan Perry, sought to devise a means to revert Tokka and Rahzar’s mutation. He also understood machines like automobiles, so he and Casey Jones spent most of their days at the farm fixing up an old truck.
Despite his love of technology, Donatello was just as skilled of a fighter as the rest of his brothers. Thus, Donatello fended off the swarm of Foot Soldiers with his bo staff. Despite his martial arts skills, Donatello could not defeat the Shredder on his own. While the Turtles were trying to take down the Shredder one by one, Donatello quickly fell to the ground before rolling away from Shredder’s devastating blows.
Amongst his brothers, Donatello was closest to Michelangelo. When fights broke out between Leonardo and Raphael, Donatello and Michelangelo would both agree to move out of the way elsewhere. Overall, his mellow personality led him to avoid most conflicts outside of the fights with the Foot Clan.
Donatello also stood out when the Turtles yelled out words to celebrate their victories. Where the others called out words like “awesome”, Donatello exclaimed “bossa nova”. His unique phrases often caused his brothers to stop and stare at him.
6. April O’Neal

As New York City’s greatest crime wave struck, April O’Neal bravely stood firm as she reported on the events. Even after she almost became a mugging victim, she refused to back down from her reporting duties. Instead, she returned to report on the rising crime wave despite the pleas from her boss, Charles Pennington. Her tenacious reporting methods often led her to confront Chief Sterns, New York City’s chief of police, with infuriating tough questions.
Unfortunately, April O’Neal began to follow leads that led her to connect New York City’s crime wave with a similar wave from Japan. Immigrants from Japan recalled how the Foot Clan terrorized citizens, they helplessly suffered from a series of crimes. Since no one else took this lead seriously, April became the sole voice that followed this lead. Not liking that April was on the right trail, the Shredder sent his soldiers after to silence her.
Luckily, Raphael witnessed the Foot’s ambush of April O’Neal. So, he leaped in to defend her before he brought the unconscious reporter back to the Turtles’ lair. When April awoke, she panicked, thinking that she was hallucinating the group of mutants. Luckily, the Turtles’ friendly nature and Splinter’s reassuring words calmed her down.
Becoming the first human to befriend the Turtles, April became their closest ally and friend. When the Foot ransacked the Turtles’ lair, they turned to April for shelter. Even after the Foot burnt down her apartment, April remained a close friend of the Turtles.
5. Michelangelo

Always looking for a fun time, Michelangelo loves two things above all else: parties and pizza. When he hears that pizza is available, he leaps up for the opportunity to feast. Even as Splinter praised and mentored the four turtle brothers, Michelangelo broke away to order a pizza with everything on it, except anchovies. Even though Michelangelo has a laid-back personality, he does not pull full price for late pizza.
Even though Michelangelo rarely seemed to take his ninja training seriously, he still is a master of his chosen weapons, the nunchucks. Proving his skill, Michelangelo quickly spotted a fellow “chucker” amongst the Foot Soldiers that broke into April’s apartment. While the two seemed equally matched at first, Mikey managed to stun the Foot Soldier as he spun his nunchuck on the tip of his finger.
Even though Michelangelo typically remains upbeat in any situation, he does become sad as well. When the Foot ransacked their lair and abducted Splinter, Michelangelo was as lost and depressed as the rest of his brothers. However, he quickly distracted himself with cartoons, allowing Leonardo to plan for the team instead. He also would not get involved in any fights between Leonardo and Raphael.
On the other hand, Michelangelo’s pizza-loving ways have caused issues for the Turtles as well. For, in The Secret of the Ooze, he walked around eating pizza as Professor Perry and Donatello concocted the anti-mutagen formula. As he looked into the formula, he dropped his slice into the mixture, contaminating the anti-mutagen.
4. Leonardo

Whether he tried to become the leader of the team or not, when the Turtles require a clear-headed decision, they turn to Leonardo. In many ways, Leonardo is the most mature of the four brothers, seriously taking his Ninja studies. While his brothers would watch cartoons or storm off to blow off steam, Leonardo opted to calmly sit and meditate.
In battle, Leonardo expertly wielded a pair of dual katanas. Alone, these weapons were a deadly pair, but Leonardo also employed creative uses for them. For instance, he plunged them both into the ceiling to temporarily create handholds that he could use to fully kick the Foot in the face.
Since most of the Turtles turned to Leonardo for guidance, he often acted as their leader. However, Raphael would often bump heads with Leonardo, especially when Leo suggested that they cautiously look for their sensei. Despite their differences, he still loved Raphael and faithfully remained by his side as he recovered at April’s farmhouse.
Once Raphael returned to consciousness, Leonardo quickly apologized for all his short words to his brother. He then spent the rest of his time on the farm meditating, hoping to find guidance. His meditation eventually allowed him to contact Splinter’s spirit. Thus, he gathered his brothers and guided them in a group meditation, which made full contact with their sensei.
Even though Leonardo is often the level-headed member of the team, he can lose his temper. When Shredder informed the Turtles that he ordered the death of Splinter, Leonardo recklessly attacked the Foot’s leader.
3. Shredder/Oroku Saki

In Japan, Oroku Saki rivaled Hamato Yoshi in all things, from their martial arts skills to the love of a woman, Tang Shen. While he passionately sought the love of Tang Shen, she picked Yoshi over him. Since Oroku Saki was a vicious ninja warrior, whose temper would not let him calmly accept his loss, the pair escaped to New York City. Not willing to let his rival run away, Saki tracked Yoshi down and slew both Tang Shen and him. In the struggle, Yoshi’s pet rat broke out of his cage and attacked Saki, leaving deep scars on his cheek.
As the years passed, Oroku Saki vanished into the shadows. Thus, New York City remained unaware of the dark threat that would later terrorize their streets. As Saki gained influence in the underworld, he reformed the Foot Clan in America. He also started to go by the name Shredder as he wore a metallic face mask and helmet to hide his scarred face. Increasing his threatening presence, he also wore spiked armor on his shins, shoulders, and wrists.
Once he gained enough influence with his Foot Clan, he initiated a crime wave that stumped all officials in the city. For most victims, they never even laid eyes on the ninjas as they slipped away with their precious goods. Even though the police had no leads, Japanese immigrants began to remember a similar crime wave that the Foot Clan perpetrated in Japan.
Once Shredder became aware of the mutants who could fend off his best-trained soldiers, he became obsessed with destroying them. His hatred grew tenfold as he began to realize that their fighting style resembled Yoshi’s.
2. Splinter

As a pet of his owner, Hamato Yoshi, Splinter loved watching then mimicking the motions of the ninja master. Since he was a beloved pet, Yoshi brought Splinter along with him and Tang Shen as they escaped to America. Unfortunately, his days with Yoshi were numbered, for Oroku Saki tracked them down to America.
On the day that Saki slew Tang Shen and Yoshi, Splinter broke free from his age. He then leaped at Saki, lashing out at the man who attacked his owner. Splinter’s vicious attacks left large gouges that scarred Saki’s face. However, Splinter did not leave unscathed, for Saki sliced the tip of his right ear.
Homeless, Splinter wandered the sewers, scrounging for food. One day, he found four baby turtles that were crawling in a strange glowing, green substance. Splinter then scooped up these baby reptiles, exposing himself to the goo as well. Once he woke up, he found a great surprise as the Turtles, and he began to change. All of them had begun to grow in size and intelligence, soon gaining the ability to speak.
After their mutation, Splinter took up the four turtles as his sons, keeping them safe from the outside world. He also instructed them on the arts of ninjitsu, training them in the same style that Yoshi used. As his sons grew, he taught them to stay in the shadows, so that they would remain safe from humans. Above all, he taught his sons to have honor so that they would not abuse their skills.
1. Raphael

Even though the Turtles lived with honor, eventually rising to protect the city, they were not perfect. One member of the quartet constantly struggled with his temper, often allowing his anger to overwhelm his sensibilities. Raphael would quickly throw fits when events did not go in his favor. Within the first few moments of the 1990 classic, Raphael lost his Sai as he defeated the thugs that attacked April O’Neal. Thus, he angrily sulked over the loss of his weapon.
Later, after he taunted Casey Jones, he left himself wide open for Casey to launch him into a trash can. As he lost sight of Casey, he angrily cried out, “damn”. Despite his frustration over his recent losses, Raphael still stepped out to protect April O’Neal as the Foot Clan ambushed her in the subway. With nowhere to go, he brought the unconscious reporter to the Turtles’ lair so that she could recover. Thus, April publicly thanked Raphael as she returned to reporting the news.
When the Foot ransacked their lair, Raphael desired to actively hunt them down so that they could save their sensei. However, Leonardo suggested that the team cautiously wait for more clues. After a harsh argument between the pair, Raphael left the apartment to blow off steam on the rooftops. Unfortunately, the Foot spotted him and brutally beat him to unconsciousness.
Even though Raphael’s anger often caused strife amongst the brothers, they all still loved him. Leonardo, in particular, remained close by his side as he recovered at April’s family farmhouse.
What were your favorite characters from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movies?
With a character-led film like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, many characters resonated with people across the globe. Many say that they can tell a lot about a person from their favorite turtle.
So, we would love to hear from you. What were your favorite characters from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? Let us know in the comments below.
Do you have old and used Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles toys?
If you have a collection of old and used toys, you can turn those toys into cash. There is no reason to let those old toys collect dust. Contact us today to sell your Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles toy collection.
About the Author
Author: Chris Ingledue
Contact: email
Bio: I am the founder and owner of Wheeljack’s Lab pop Culture and Toy Shop. My vision has always been to reunite customers with their favorite childhood toys and pop culture, triggering fond memories, and reigniting their imaginations. Every day, I work in the “lab” where it’s Christmas 365 days a year. I scour the internet, like when we had the Sears Catalog of yesteryear, for the next great treasure. Then, I await the arrival of the postman as if he were Santa Claus himself and helping collectors worldwide with their own versions of Christmas. Every day as a vintage toy buyer is an absolute joy!