Top 10 Digimon

In June 1997, the popular Digimon franchise began. Digimon (short for Digital Monster) first released as a series of virtual pets created by Bandai and WiZ. Originally, these devices had the purpose to be a masculine alternative to the Tamagotchi pets that were created the year prior. Since 1997, multiple animated series, manga, video games, card games, and toys take the original franchise’s popularity to the next level. Today, there are more than 25 years of Digimon history. From this, hundreds of Digimon characters have been created- each having their own unique characteristics. Of these, we have chosen the Top Ten Digimon.

Although there are hundreds of Digimon to choose from, the strengths, design, personality, and memorability in the franchise are all taken into account when choosing the top ten. Keep in mind, other Top Ten Digimon lists may have different characters listed than ours. This is what we have gathered to be the top ten, enjoy! All Pictures are found on

Presenting The Top 10 Digimon

10. WarGreymon

WarGreymon Digimon
Ref. Found on, all rights are reserved to the original illustrator. Shown for education and entertainment purposes.

WarGreymon, the strongest dragon warrior, is covered in armor made of Chrome Digizoid, a super metal. This Greymon-species Digimon takes on more of the form of a man than the typical larger bodied Greymon types. WarGreymon is practically impossible to defeat as an Ultimate Digimon, with rapidly improved speed and power. Also, this character possesses shells on the back that can tie into one which creates the “brave shield”, a shield of ultimate strength. A true hero digivolves into WarGreymon the moment it awakens to its mission and destiny. The Dramon destroyers/killers attached to both arms cause massive damage to the Dramon-species. However, these turn into two double-edged swords that can also cause damage to WarGreymon itself. Finally, the detail shown throughout this Digimon is remarkable. From it’s bright yellow armor to it’s fierce characteristics, WarGreymon definitely secured it’s spot on our top ten Digimon list.

9. Alphamon

Alphamon Digimon
Ref. Found on, all rights are reserved to the original illustrator. Shown for education and entertainment purposes.

Ranked 9th on the Top Ten Digimon list is Alphamon. This character takes the role of one of the 13 Royal Knights as a Warrior Digimon which are to be the highest ranking Digimon. Identified by it’s blue cape that flies around, Alphamon also takes the title as the Aloof Hermit. This character possesses two powerful attacks. First, we have the Divine Sword Grade Alpha. Second, we have the Soul Digitalization attack. The Divine Sword Grade Alpha drives out the light from the center of a magic circle and uses it to stab through an opponent. The Soul Digitalization attack allows Alphamon to spread it’s wings and fly to display a magic circle that is larger than the sky. Here, Alphamon can summon a legendary monster from another dimension to assist in battle. Alphamon’s attacks are certainly very powerful, landing its spot securely on our list.

8. Gabumon

Gabumon Digimon
Ref. Found on, all rights are reserved to the original illustrator. Shown for education and entertainment purposes.

Next up, we have Gabumon. Originally from Digimon Adventure, this character shows sincere loyalty. Gabumon and his partner, DigiDestined Matt, grew a close bond throughout the show. Because of this, they were there for each other when no one else was. In addition to his loyal personality, Gabumon is quiet but very strong. Also, this character has an incredible evolution line that leads to other popular Digimon like Garurumon and WereGarurumon. Although Gabumon is covered in fur, this character is still a reptile Digimon. Gabumon has the special ability to take the information Garurumon leaves behind and shapes them into the fur that he wears. As Gabumon takes on the fur data of Garurumon, Gabumon’s shy personality does a complete shift. This character’s loyalty, unique abilities, and striking design land it’s spot on the Top Ten Digimon characters list.

7. Imperialdramon Paladin Mode

Imperialdramon Paladin Mode Digimon
Ref. Found on, all rights are reserved to the original illustrator. Shown for education and entertainment purposes.

At 7th on the Top Ten Digimon list is the Imperialdramon Paladin Mode. This character takes on the last form of Imperialdramon Fighter Mode, who first appeared in Digimon Adventure 02. This, paired with the power from the Holy Knight Omnimon, turns our character into the legendary Holy Knight (Pladin Mode). Imperialdramon Pladin Mode founded the Royal Knights, who serve as guardians of the Digital World. This character also has impressive attacks. The Omni Sword (Omega Blade) cuts the opponent into two, clearing the character’s configuration data. Another impressive attack, the Giga Crusher, sends the Positron Laser on it’s chest and collects all the body’s energy into a destructive energy wave with incredible power. Finally, the Imperialdramon Paladin Mode’s wings and armor changes to a white and gold, signifying purity and holiness.

6. MirageGaogamon

MirageGaogamon Digimon
Ref. Found on, all rights are reserved to the original illustrator. Shown for education and entertainment purposes.

With it’s six powerful attacks, MirageGaogamon coincidently takes his place at number 6 as a Beast Knight Digimon. First, the Double Crescent Mirage attack allows this character to fire shock waves from it’s hands in the shape of crescents. Next, the Full Moon Blaster gathers energy from it’s body and fires it from the mouth on it’s chest. The Gale Claw attack helps MirageGaogamon run with intense speed, instantly cutting it’s opponent into pieces. The last three attacks include the Howling Cannon, the Quick Move, and the Sonic Move. These send a supersonic wave to destroy enemies as well as making this character extra fast. Along with the attacks, MirageGaogamon also appears extra fierce to opponents in it’s bright blue and silver Chrome Digizoid armor. The bright red cape also gives this character a bold appearance. MirageGaogamon’s opponents are sure to fear him in any situation.

5. Omnimon

Omnimon Digimon
Ref. Found on, all rights are reserved to the original illustrator. Shown for education and entertainment purposes.

Now, reaching the top half of this Top Ten Digimon list, we have Omnimon (also called Omegamon). This character made it’s first debut in a spin-off movie in the US titled Digimon: The Movie. Omnimon is a fusion of two other popular Digimon: WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon. Often, this character is considered one of the most powerful Digimon ever since it takes the best skills and elements as well as the armor of both Digimon it comes from. Omnimon’s left arm contains both a sword and a shield from WarGreymon and the right arm contains both a “Garuru Cannon” and missiles from MetalGarurumon. This character also has a plate on the back of the armor that automatically deploys in flight or when dodging opponents’ attacks. Finally, the incredible amount of attacks and evolution from two powerful previous Digimon makes Omnimon 5th on our list.

4. Durandamon

Durandamon Digimon
Ref. Found on, all rights are reserved to the original illustrator. Shown for education and entertainment purposes.

Standing 4th on our Top Ten Digimon list is Durandamon, a holy sword Digimon. This character possesses the ultimate holy blade and attains data from famous swords across games and mythology. Durandamon, among the most powerful Legend-Arms, not only holds the key to victory but also has the ability to transform into a ginormous golden blade. Covered in shiny golden metal, with limbs as swords, Durandamon’s humanoid form is one of great detail. The sharpness of the blades are fierce enough to slice through any defense and only the strongest of the shield-transforming Legend-Arms Digimon are able to withstand the attacks of Durandamon. This popular Digimon made it on our list because of both it’s power and incredible design.

3. Omnimon X

Omnimon X Digimon
Ref. Found on, all rights are reserved to the original illustrator. Shown for education and entertainment purposes.

Coming into our top three picks, Omnimon X takes 3rd. Omnimon X is a Mega-level holy warrior. This character is so powerful with the X-Antibody that most Digimon cannot defeat him. This could be mainly from his ability to instantaneously see his opponents attacks before they happen. Omnimon X is an enhanced version of Omnimon, previously mentioned. This character also has the ability to freeze opponents and can use the “All Delete” technique to erase anything his sword touches. Additionally, the colors of this Digimon definitely stand out. Omnimon’s main body contains blueish purple armor with golden accents and a bright red cape. Topped off with a massive sword, this ultimate Digimon will scare off any opponents that try to come it’s way.

2. Shoutmon X7 Superior Mode

Shoutmon X7: Superior Mode Digimon
Ref. Found on, all rights are reserved to the original illustrator. Shown for education and entertainment purposes.

Our number 2 pick, Shoutmon X7: Superior Mode, was introduced in Digimon Xros Wars. This Digimon is one of the strongest good Digimon in the entire franchise. Shoutmon X7: Superior Mode is an upgraded version of Shoutmon as well as a combination of nearly every other Digimon in the Digital World. This is a Composition Digimon that turns the desire for peace into strength. It has four epic attacks: the Final Xros Blade, the Double Flare Buster, the Seven Victorize, and the Xros Burning Rocker. It has six wings on both sides and is so large that the other Digimon orbit around the pure gold exterior in two massive energy rings. The Shoutmon X7: Superior Mode has proven to be incredibly strong and powerful.

1. Agumon

Agumon Digimon
Ref. Found on, all rights are reserved to the original illustrator. Shown for education and entertainment purposes.

Topping off the Top Ten Digimon list at number 1 is Agumon. This character shows to be a hero with a range of powerful forms and evolution line. Agumon is arguably the best character to represent the franchise as a whole. He walks on two legs, similar to a small dinosaur and has a bright yellow body. The fierce claws that extend from his limbs look intimidating to all opponents. Unfortunately, he lacks some strength as a rookie Digimon. On the other hand, he holds as many as twenty attacks making him more reckless than others. The most popular of these attacks, the Pepper Breath attack allows Agumon to spit fire from it’s mouth. Later, Agumon digivolves into multiple Digimon which are stronger and more powerful than it’s original form. This classic character holds special importance to the franchise

Made in Collaboration with:

Chris Ingledue 


Bio: I am the founder and owner of Wheeljack’s Lab Pop Culture and Toy Shop. My vision has always been to reunite customers with their favorite childhood toys and pop culture, triggering fond memories, and reigniting their imaginations. Every day, I work in the “lab” where it’s Christmas 365 days a year. I scour the internet, like when we had the Sears Catalog of yesteryear, for the next great treasure. Then, I await the arrival of the postman as if he were Santa Claus himself and helping collectors worldwide with their versions of Christmas. Every day as a vintage toy buyer is an absolute joy!

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