The Ten Most Expensive Chogokin Toys

At a time when most companies were turning toward economically sound plastics, a company from Japan decided to take a chance with die-cast zinc alloys. Bandai formed Popy to specialize in producing products that would appear outside of the toy aisle in 1971. Even though their earliest products appeared in candy stores and the like, they quickly began to veer toward creating licensed toys.

After they produced the “Henshin Belt” for the Kamen Raider series, Popy gained even more traction with a series of die-cast vehicles. Eventually, they took a gamble to produce high-end toys for the fans of the emerging Mecha anime genre. These toys stood out by the inclusion of a die-cast zinc alloy that both provided weight and raised the cost of these toys. As their first toy using this technique was based on the Mazinger Z series, they decided to use the name of the same mythological metal that was used to build the machines there: Chogokin.

Chogokin, translating to Super Alloy, became the banner for an entire series of Popy’s toys. Since the brand was only defined by how they built these robot toys, this toy line did not concentrate on a single series. Instead, it featured many of the largest names in Anime from the era. With both the high-end production and the variety of series, Chogokin has remained one of the most collectible toys around.

Presenting the Ten Most Expensive Chogokin Toys

With over 50 years on the market, Chogokin toys have gained a strong and loyal fan base. While the toy line still exists under the Soul of Chogokin banner from Bandai’s Tamashii Nations, the vintage toys have become the products that collectors long after. These robot toys often sell for thousands of dollars when they hit the market.

We are excited to explore the top ten most expensive Chogokin toys that have sold on eBay and other online sites. However, we are not counting every listing that says Chogokin on it. If the toy does not have the Chogokin or Popynica logo from Popy or Bandai, it will not be placed on this list. So, Mattel’s Shogun Warriors will not be on this list because they are not proper Chogokin toys. However, since  Godaikin is a direct American remake of the Chogokin figures, they will also appear.

This limitation is being done because many eBay sellers will place Chogokin on a figure whether it was part of the line or not. Some sellers will even list toys made by different companies that are not even vaguely related to the Chogokin line as Chogokin. Keep this in mind when searching for Chogokin toys to buy on eBay and other sites.

10. Bandai Godaikin Bio Man

Bandai Godaikin Bio Man

Since 1975, the Super Sentai series has entertained the children of Japan with a mixture of martial-arts action and giant robots. By the time Chogokin began to catch on, the series was onto its 8th iteration, Choudenshi Bioman. The robots from this series, both Bio Man, otherwise known as Bio Robo, and Bio Dragon received Chogokin figures. Likewise, Bandai picked these two robots to become part of the 1980s toy line that brought Chogokin to America: Godaikin.

Bio Man was released with the second series of Godaikin figures in 1984. Even though this version lost its original ID number, GC-12, it remained the same toy that Japan played with years before. This six-inch action figure came with two accessories: a sword and a shield. Otherwise, it came with an instruction booklet and a catalog. This toy had one more trick up its sleeve, Bio Man could transform into a Bio Jet.

Even though Bio Man had a companion piece, Bio Dragon, in the Godaikin toy line, the two toys did not combine or directly interact. Still, the Bio Dragon could securely carry the Bio Jet form on its runway. It was also wide enough that the robot could stand on top of it. Thus, these two toys are often sold as a set.

A mint-in-box version of Bio Man sold on eBay on January 29, 2022. This individual figure sold for $1,999.99.

9. Bandai Godaikin Combattra

Bandai Godaikin Combattra

Even though Marvel featured Combattra as one of the robots in their Shogun Warriors comics, this machine did not originate from there. Instead, it originated from an anime series, Choudenji Robo Combattler V, which aired in 1976.

As the original name, Combattler V, suggests, this robot was formed when five smaller vehicles combined. The Battle Jet joined with the others to form the head. Meanwhile, a single vehicle, the Battle Crusher formed both of the arms. The Battle Tank became the Torso while the Battle Marine formed both legs. Finally, the Battle Craft became the robot’s feet.

With Popy creating vehicles and robots for most Anime series, they naturally decided to include Combattler V In their Popynica line-up. As seen in the Anime series, these five vehicles transformed and combined into the impressive Combattler V. Each of these vehicles were sold separately. However, they still could be combined into the super robot.

These toys were later combined into one cohesive set when Bandai brought Combattra over to America in the Godaikin toy line. This version included all five vehicles: Battle Jet, Battle Clasher, Battle Tank, Battle Marine, and Battle Kulaft. It also had an array of accessories including a karate hand, a crusher, a drill, the Combattra Suspender, 2 Big Punches, and 2 energy pipes. There were also drill missiles, small missiles, and large missiles.

One of these sets sold on eBay for $2,255.00 on August 18, 2021.

8. Popy Chogokin GB-88 Custom Type Series Godmarz

Popy Chogokin Custom Type Series Godmarz

Originating from the anime series, Six God Combination Godmars, Godzmarz was the titular robot. Its pilot, Mars, originated from the planet Gishin. He was sent to earth as an infant by Emperor Zuul along with a powerful robot, Gaia. He grew up with a  Japanese family, who named him Takeru Myoujin, and bonded with the people of Earth. Thus, when the Emperor called on him to destroy the planet with a bomb embedded in Gaia, he choose to instead resist and defend the Earth.

Even though Gaia was powerful by itself, it had a secret power. By combining with five other robots from Gishin, it became the powerful Godmarz. These five vehicles were Sphinx, Uranus, Titan, Shin, and Ra.

As with most Japanese Mech series, Popy elected to create a Chogokin figure of Godmarz. This toy fell under their Custom Type Series. Within the box was the complete set of all five robots that formed Godmarz. It also included a selection of weapons for both the super robot and each of the smaller robots. Otherwise, the set included two hands that completed the Godmarz form.

A very similar version of this toy appeared in America with Bandai’s Godaikin toy line. It was included in the first series of toys from 1982.

One of these toys sold on eBay for $2,299.00 on April 03, 2018.

7. Popy Chogokin GB-37 Gold Lightan

Popy Chogokin GB-37 Gold Lightan

The next toy on the list was the original Chogokin figure of Gold Lightan from Golden Warrior Gold Lightan. This anime series ran on Japanese television from 1981 until 1982 with a total of 52 episodes. Standing out from the crowd, Gold Lightan would disguise itself as a simple gold lighter when he was not in battle. When his friend, Hiro Taikai, needed him, he would transform into a massive 30-meter-tall robot. With his power, he kept Earth safe from the invasion forces of King Ibalda.

When Popy added Gold Lightan to the Chogokin line as GB-37, they remained faithful to the anime. This robot could fold up and become the gold brick of his lighter form. Unfortunately, aside from his two forms, there were no additional accessories or other elements to this toy. Still, it is a rare figure which is faithful to the anime series.

One of these toys sold on eBay for $2,500.00 on August 19, 2021.

6. Bandai Godaikin GoLion

Bandai Godaikin GoLion

One of the most famous robot teams from Japan is the Guardian of the Galaxy, Voltron. In America, this robot has had multiple shows and iterations. However, he began as a mashed-up product that edited together multiple anime series. One of these series was Beast King GoLion.

As his name in Japanese plainly states, GoLion is a creation that combines five robot lions. The Black Lion formed the torso and head. The Red Lion formed the right arm while the Green Lion formed the left. Then, the Blue Lion formed the right leg and the Yellow Lion formed the left leg. The massive robot that these lions formed into was immensely powerful and served as the guardian of the Planet Altea.

GoLion was chosen for the American Godaikin toy line within the first series in 1982. They directly imported the GB-36 Chogokin figure to create this toy. This toy came with each of the lions. It also featured multiple accessories. There was the Black Sword, the Red Sword, the Green Sword, the Blue Sword, and the Yellow Sword. This toy also featured the Space Cutter, a bazooka, a boomerang, a double-pod launcher, a laser gun, a sand/land mine, a cat ring missile, the Green Gun, a spear missile, and 6 large missiles. Finally, there were 25 additional assorted missiles.

One of these toys sold on eBay for $3,287.11 on November 12, 2021.

5. Popy Chogokin GB-36 GoLion

Popy Chogokin GB-36 GoLion

As with the rest of the Godaikin toy line, each of these toys had an original Popy toy from Japan. In the case of GoLion, its original toy was the Chogokin GB-36. This toy featured all 5 of the lions as well as a large selection of accessories. So, the largest difference is the packaging, which features Popy’s Chogokin emblem. Unlike the American version, Popy’s packaging featured images of each of the lion’s pilots, including Fala, who Americans know as Allura.

Even though both the Godaikin and the Popy versions of the toy are nearly the same, some collectors value the original over the rereleases. Thus, when one of these toys appeared on eBay, it sold for $3,551.42 on June 16, 2018.

4. Bandai Godaikin Voltes V

Bandai Godaikin Voltes V

Voltes V was another Japanese robot that originated from one of their 1970s anime series. From June 1977 until March 1978, they had the chance to catch the adventures of Super Electromagnetic Machine Voltes V. As with many of the earlier combining robots, the V in the name indicated that five different vehicles joined forces to become the super robot.

Akin to GoLion, Voltes V had a complete team that piloted each of the robots. Their leader, Kenichi Goh, piloted the Volt Crewzer. Ippei Mine was a rodeo champion who became the pilot of the Volt Bomber. Then, Daijiro Goh was a defense tactician who piloted the Volt Panzer into battle. Hiyoshi Goh was the younger brother of Daijiro and a brilliant inventor who piloted the Volt Frigate. Finally, Megumi Oka was a kunoichi who piloted the Volt Lander.

Popy had created several Popynica toys for these vehicles that formed the Voltes V. Thus when Bandai brought these toys to America as the Godaikin toy line, they packaged them all together. The box set featured all parts of the Voltes V: Crewzer I, Bomber II, Panzer III, Frigate IV, and Lander V. It also featured multiple accessories including the Big V Sword, the Ice Sword, the Spirit Spinner, the Bomber Drill, the Bomber Jet Booster, 2 energy pipes, and 4 antennae. Moreover, there were 30 assorted missiles within the box. This toy was released within the first series of these toys in 1982.

One of these toys sold on eBay for $4,321.80 on June 29, 2021.

3. Popy Popynica Voltex V Volt in a Box

Popy Popinuca Voltes V Volt in a Box

As mentioned above, Popy had created multiple toys that represented the Voltes V robots in their Popynica toy line. While these vehicles could all be purchased separately, Popy saw it fit to provide a single set that contained the entire team. Thus, they released the Volt in a Box set.

In many ways, this set was the same as the one that appeared in the Godaikin toy line. It featured all five of the vehicles, so customers could easily assemble the complete super robot. Besides the packaging, this set had a Monoshiri Television No. 2 catalog.

Due to the rarity of finding the original Japanese toys in America, these toys often carry more value. Thus, when one of these toys appeared on eBay, it sold for $5,150.00 on June 21, 2015.

2. Popy Chogokin Deluxe GA-50 Gaiking (with Daiku Maryu)

Popy Chogokin Deluxe GA-50 Gaiking

Another popular anime series from the 70s was Dino-Mecha Gaiking, which ran from April 1976 until January 1977. In a twist from the typical combiner robots that dominated the 70s, Gaiking was not the combination of 3 separate vehicles. Instead, he was formed when the larger dragon-shaped Dino-Mecha, or Daiku Maryu, deployed its head and two vehicles that it carried in its body. Despite only being a small part of this larger robot, Gaiking was more powerful than the Dino-Mecha and acted as its defender.

In the series, the Earth was facing an impending invasion from the Dark Horror Army from the planet Zela. To help protect the planet, Dr. Daimonji invented the Dino-Mecha and his protector, Gaiking. Piloting this mecha was a baseball star, Sanshiro Tsuwabuki.

Gaiking was popular enough to receive an edited-down American version within the Force Five line-up. The original 44 episodes were chopped down to 26 episodes. To appeal to American viewers, this version changed the name of Gaiking’s pilot to Ares Astronopolis.

When Popy added Gaiking to their Chogokin line-up, they created a set that contained both the Gaiking robot and the larger Daiku Maryu. Aside from these two robots, there was little else in the set aside from 4 hands for the Gaiking robot and some missiles. As seen in the series, Maiku Maryu’s head could be detached.

One of these toys popped up in mint-in-box condition a few years back. It wound up selling for $5,999.99 on December 16, 2020.

1. Bandai Godaikin Tetsujin 28

Bandai Godaikin Tetsujin 28

The final toy has its origins in Japanese comics, often referred to as manga. Tetsujin 28-go was one of the first pieces of media to feature a giant mechanical robot, helping to pioneer the genre. The comics, written and illustrated by Mitsuteru Yokoyama ran from 1956 until 1966. It focused on Shotaro Kaneda, a boy who was gifted a giant robot, Tetsujin 28, by his father. Even though the name, Tetsujin, translates to Iron Man, this character had no relationship to Marvel’s character.

The popularity of the manga series led to several adaptions of Tetsujin 28. Both in 1963 and 1980, the character gained an anime adaption. These adaptions would become known to the west as Gigantor, which aired in 1963.

When Bandai included Tetsujin 28 in the first series of toys from 1982, they decided to keep the original Japanese name. Aside from the Tetsujin 28 Super Robot, they included several accessories within the box. There was a die-cast chest protector, a booster rocket, 2 upper arm coverings, 2 thigh coverings, 2 lower leg coverings, 2 Roboboys, 2 Maintenance Robots, and 8 missiles.

One of these toys appeared on eBay in mint-in-box condition, where it sold for $24,999.00 on March 21, 2013.

Do you have old and used Godaikin toys?

If you have a collection of old and used toys, you can turn those toys into cash. There is no reason to let those old toys collect dust. Contact us today to sell your Godaikin toy collection.

Our professional, friendly, and expert staff have decades of experience as collectible toy buyers. If you are ready to sell your collection today, fill out the form below or call us at 888-946-2895.

Made in collaboration with:

Chris Ingledue 


Bio: I am the founder and owner of Wheeljack’s Lab pop Culture and Toy Shop. My vision has always been to reunite customers with their favorite childhood toys and pop culture, triggering fond memories, and reigniting their imaginations. Every day, I work in the “lab” where it’s Christmas 365 days a year. I scour the internet, like when we had the Sears Catalog of yesteryear, for the next great treasure. Then, I await the arrival of the postman as if he were Santa Claus himself and helping collectors worldwide with their versions of Christmas. Every day as a vintage toy buyer is an absolute joy!

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