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Continuity Comics first introduced Bucky O’Hare to the world in 1984. While this short comic series only lasted for a year, he made a lasting impact. Thus, he reappeared in Bucky O’Hare and the Toad Wars, an animated television show, in 1991. Aligning with the cartoon, Hasbro made a memorable series of toys that brought the action home. These toys featured ten of the characters from the cartoon, including Al Negator, Dead-Eye Duck, Commander Dogstar, and the titular Bucky O’Hare. It also had two vehicles that the characters could ride.
- Dead-Eye Duck Figure
- M.A.S.E.R. Mini-Gun
- Smyth & Mallard Chromium-Oxide Plasma Hand Cannon
- 2x Pulse-Laser Pistol