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Voltron I Deluxe Warrior Set


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Taking from the original Japanese toys produced by Bandai, Matchbox, in 1984, made a die-cast/plastic toyline that included Voltron I, II, and III. Due to legal action when lead was found in the paint, Panosh Place continued on the toyline, changing most of the toys into plastic toys, producing a single wave of Voltron toys, which most notably included a Lion Force Voltron robot that could split into its five component lions, each of which could carry a 3-3/4" action figure of its pilot. LJN would take over as the next licensee and would focus on Voltron toys featuring motorized toys and even the earliest ones that would include lights and electronics. Like the above, LJN would also end their license due to their own closure. In 1985, Impulse created a series of 6 toys that transformed from basic working items such as a calculator, binoculars, camera, flashlight, and a watch.


  • Voltron I Deluxe Warrior Set Figure


  • Armored Equipment Carrier
  • Communications Module
  • Air Warrior (Combined Mode)
  • Multi Wheeled Explorer (Red)
  • Land Warrior (Combined Mode)
  • Space Warrior (Combined Mode)
  • Voltron I
  • Fighter Plane
  • All Terrain Space Vehicle (Yellow)
  • Advanced Recon Helicopter (Red)
  • All Terrain Space Vehicle (Black)
  • Advanced Recon Helicopter (Blue)
  • Jet Radar Station
  • Space Prober (Yellow)
  • Strato Weapons Module
  • Rotating Personnel Carrier
  • Space Prober (Red)
  • Command Jet Explorer
  • Multi Wheeled Explorer (Yellow)
  • Fist (Armored Equipment Carrier)
  • Fist (Rotating Personnel Carrier)