Street Sharks
As Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles dominated the toy shelves, Mattel created their own team of four mutants when they introduced the Street Sharks. Debuting in 1994, these four mutants combined humans with sharks. Each of these sharks loved a specific aspect of 90s extreme culture, like rollerblades.
Street Sharks
As Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles dominated the toy shelves, Mattel created their own team of four mutants when they introduced the Street Sharks. Debuting in 1994, these four mutants combined humans with sharks. Each of these sharks loved a specific aspect of 90s extreme culture, like rollerblades.
Showing all 7 results
Killamari Street Sharks 1994 Mattel Street Wise Series 1 Action Figure WORKS
$35.00Free US Shipping Add to cart -
Jab Hand Shark Puppet Street Sharks 1994 Mattel Action Figure NEW MISB SEALED
$441.00Free US Shipping Add to cart -
Big Slammu Jawsome Heavy Metal Music Street Sharks Sound Machine 1995 MOSC HTF
$96.04Free US Shipping Add to cart -
Streex “Jawsome” Heavy Metal Music Street Sharks Sound Machine 1995 NEW MOSC HTF
$96.04Free US Shipping Add to cart -
Big Slammu Beeper Heavy Metal Music Street Sharks Sound Machine 1995 MOSC HTF
$96.04Free US Shipping Add to cart -
Ripster Jawsome Heavy Metal Music Street Sharks Sound Machine 1995 NEW MOSC HTF
$96.04Free US Shipping Add to cart -
Slash Drill Nose Street Sharks Street Wise 1994 Mattel Action Figure
$15.72Free US Shipping Add to cart