
First produced by the Selects company in 1984, the Convertors toy line has historically been compared to the more successful Transformers and GoBots toy lines. Though there was no accompanying television cartoon or story for this line, there were different factions which all characters were aligned with. The line features two heroic factions: the Defenders and Avarians. These heroes opposed the evil factions: the Maladroids and Insectors. The toy line also featured a class of Spies that worked for either side.

We buy and sell Transformers-related toys, memorabilia, and collectibles at the best value. So, if you are ready to sell Convertors toys, feel free to contact us today. We are more than happy to hear about your collection. We will also respond within 24 hours of hearing from you.


First produced by the Selects company in 1984, the Convertors toy line has historically been compared to the more successful Transformers and GoBots toy lines. Though there was no accompanying television cartoon or story for this line, there were different factions which all characters were aligned with. The line features two heroic factions: the Defenders and Avarians. These heroes opposed the evil factions: the Maladroids and Insectors. The toy line also featured a class of Spies that worked for either side.

We buy and sell Transformers-related toys, memorabilia, and collectibles at the best value. So, if you are ready to sell Convertors toys, feel free to contact us today. We are more than happy to hear about your collection. We will also respond within 24 hours of hearing from you.