Bandai released the first series of Big Bad Beetleborgs action figures in 1997. The action figures were based on Saban Entertainment’s TV show of the same name. The show follows three average kids who enter the haunted Hillhurst Mansion after accepting a dare. Upon entering the grand house, the children realize that it is full of monsters and gain powers after accidentally releasing a phasm who grants them a wish as a reward for freeing him. Some of the more popular action figures consist of Blue Stinger, Green Hunter, Red Striker, and Shadow Borg.
Bandai released the first series of Big Bad Beetleborgs action figures in 1997. The action figures were based on Saban Entertainment’s TV show of the same name. The show follows three average kids who enter the haunted Hillhurst Mansion after accepting a dare. Upon entering the grand house, the children realize that it is full of monsters and gain powers after accidentally releasing a phasm who grants them a wish as a reward for freeing him. Some of the more popular action figures consist of Blue Stinger, Green Hunter, Red Striker, and Shadow Borg.
Showing 1–12 of 16 results
Green Hunter 6″ Metallic Beetleborgs NEAR MINT 1996 Bandai Action Figure
$27.85Free US Shipping Add to cart -
Blue Stinger Beetleborgs 1996 Bandai Action Figure
$24.97Free US Shipping Add to cart -
Shadow Borg with Antenna Beetleborgs 1997 Bandai Action Figure
$25.41Free US Shipping Add to cart -
Purple Blaster Beetleborgs 1997 Bandai Action Figure
$14.12Free US Shipping Add to cart -
Chrome Dark Yellow Beetleborgs 1996 Bandai Action Figure
$18.83Free US Shipping Add to cart -
Beetleborgs Yellow Stinger Saban 1997 Bandai 5 ” Action Figure
$12.24Free US Shipping Add to cart -
Blue Stinger Beetleborgs 1996 Bandai Action Figure
$19.77Free US Shipping Add to cart -
Data Laser Gun Blaster Beetleborgs 1997 Bandai Action Figure 5 Input Cards WORKS
$47.76Free US Shipping Add to cart -
Blue Stinger Transforming Bike Motorcycle Beetleborgs 1996 Bandai Action Figure
$18.83Free US Shipping Add to cart -
Metallix Mega Chromium Gold Sector Cycle Beetleborgs 1997 Bandai Action Figure
$18.83Free US Shipping Add to cart -
Yellow Sector Cycle Motorcycle Beetleborgs 1997 Bandai Action Figure
$14.12Free US Shipping Add to cart -
Karate Choppig Vexor Beetleborgs 1997 Bandai Action Figure
$8.96Free US Shipping Add to cart