Battle of the Planets
Back in 1978, an American adaption of the anime series Science Ninja Team Gatchaman aired under a new name, Battle of the Planets. This series had a total of 85 episodes spanning its two-year run.
Later, in 2002, two companies made toys for the cartoon. Both Diamond and Medicom manufactured toy lines to celebrate this treasure from the 1970s.
We buy and sell new and used toys, memorabilia, and collectibles at the best value. So, if you are ready to sell Diamond’s and Medicom’s Battle of the Planets toys, feel free to contact us today. We are more than happy to hear about your collection. We will also respond within 24 hours of hearing from you.
Battle of the Planets
Back in 1978, an American adaption of the anime series Science Ninja Team Gatchaman aired under a new name, Battle of the Planets. This series had a total of 85 episodes spanning its two-year run.
Later, in 2002, two companies made toys for the cartoon. Both Diamond and Medicom manufactured toy lines to celebrate this treasure from the 1970s.
We buy and sell new and used toys, memorabilia, and collectibles at the best value. So, if you are ready to sell Diamond’s and Medicom’s Battle of the Planets toys, feel free to contact us today. We are more than happy to hear about your collection. We will also respond within 24 hours of hearing from you.
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