Introduction “Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure” is a beloved film franchise that has entertained audiences worldwide for decades. Its popularity led to the manufacturing of an expansive range of merchandise, including the cherished Bill and Ted action figures. But when did these toy models of our favorite time-traveling duo first appear on the scene? Let’s […]
Wheeljack’s Lab – Vintage Toy Blog
Follow this blog for the new, the unusual, the rare and cool Generation 1 G1 Transformers toys. Reviews, news, toy resources, galleries, unboxing, opinions and personal reflections on vintage toys.
When Were the First Biker Mice From Mars Action Figures Made?
Introduction In an era when the vintage toy market is booming, understanding the roots of iconic figures is invaluable. For lovers of ’90s nostalgia, few action figures hold more appeal than those of the Biker Mice from Mars. This unforgettable trio of alien rodents on wheels significantly impacted the childhoods of many. But when did […]
When Were the Original Beetleborgs Action Figures Made?
The Beetleborgs, a group of costumed superheroes that have captured the imaginations of countless kids, sprang from the popular TV series “Big Bad Beetleborgs” in the mid-90s. This iconic franchise has left its mark on pop culture through the TV series and the numerous action figures inspired by the characters. For fans of the Big […]