Demonstrating a unique blend of Western and science fiction themes, Bravestarr remains a vivid childhood memory for many 80s kids. Released in the late 1980s, Bravestarr was an American animated series that told the story of Marshal Bravestarr, the lawman of the distant, future planet of “New Texas.” It was complemented by a robust line of action figures that have since become highly sought-after vintage items. But when exactly did these nostalgic artifacts first hit the toy shelves?
The Original Bravestarr Action Figures
Mattel, a pioneer in the toy industry, launched the original Bravestarr action figures in 1986. This was right around when the series was in full swing on the small screen. Interestingly, Mattel was involved in the development and production of the animated series as well, making it one of the early instances of synergistic product marketing in the toy and entertainment industries.
The Bravestarr action figures weren’t your average space cowboy toys. True to the show’s character designs, these figures boasted an impressive level of detail, giving each character a distinct personality. The line included main characters like Marshal Bravestarr, the villain Tex Hex, and various secondary characters. Also included was Bravestarr’s steed, Thirty Thirty. Moreover, each figure was equipped with themed accessories such as the Neutra-Laser and the Tomahawk, adding more play value to the toys.
The Everlasting Appeal of Bravestarr Action Figures
Even though the Bravestarr series was relatively short-lived, it left a significant mark in the hearts of many fans due to the accompanying action figures. As such, they’ve become cherished collectibles, standing testament to a unique period in toy-making history. From the initial 1986 lineup to the rarest figures, each piece tells a story of nostalgic space adventures, igniting a spark of joy in collectors worldwide.
It’s clear that the Bravestarr action figures, with their inception dating back to 1986, offer a fascinating glimpse into the past. They represent an era of imaginative play and innovative marketing with a unique charm for toy enthusiasts. As vintage toy collectors and sellers, we take immense pride in preserving these nostalgic artifacts, ensuring they bring joy to current and future generations. So, here’s to rediscovering and cherishing these iconic symbols of our shared past!
Bravestarr Toy Checklist
Do you have old and used Bravestarr toys?
Found any of your toys in the Bravestarr toy checklist? If so and you have a collection of old and used toys, you can turn those toys into cash. There is no reason to let those old toys collect dust. Contact us today to sell your Bravestarr toy collection.
Our professional, friendly, and expert staff have decades of experience as collectible toy buyers. If you are ready to sell your collection today, fill out the form below or call us at 888-946-2895.
About the Author
Author: Chris Ingledue
Contact: email
Bio: I am the founder and owner of Wheeljack’s Lab pop Culture and Toy Shop. My vision has always been to reunite customers with their favorite childhood toys and pop culture, triggering fond memories, and reigniting their imaginations. Every day, I work in the “lab” where it’s Christmas 365 days a year. I scour the internet, like when we had the Sears Catalog of yesteryear, for the next great treasure. Then, I await the arrival of the postman as if he were Santa Claus himself and helping collectors worldwide with their versions of Christmas. Every day as a vintage toy buyer is an absolute joy!